Stampede konnekteer terminale word dikwels gebruik in krag elektroniese werking. Wanneer toestelle binne en buite die skerm verbind word, word spesialiseerde werking terminale benodig. Hierdie terminale is stampede hardware stampede konnekteer terminale, wat word gekombineer en geroep terminaalblokke.

Die funksie van hierdie hardware komponente is om die sirkels van toestelle binne en buite die skerm te koppel, wat kan 'n rol speel in seinaloordrag. Hierdie is 'n nuwe hardware komponent in die lewe van mense vandag. Met bewerking van terminale word die bewerking meer estetiklik plesielik en onderhouering ook baie goed. Selfs die verbinding tussen lang afstand offlyn lyn is ook betroubaar, speel 'n rol in goeie konstruksie en maklike onderhouering.
In addition, these connection terminals also serve an isolation function. For example, when a PLC controls other equipment in the form of weak current controlling strong current, the strong current equipment can be isolated from the PLC through an intermediate relay, which can also play a role in prevention and control.

In addition, this stamped connector terminal serves not only as an isolation and prevention function, but also has anti-interference properties. For example, some loads have interference source properties, such as frequency converters with high-frequency harmonics, which can interfere with PLC control. These are the functional roles that stamped connector terminals can play when in use.