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EMAR Precision 2021 Муніх Шангай
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EMAR Precision 2021 Муніх Шангай

Час выпуску:2024-11-29     Колькасць выглядаў :

The story of Dongguan EMAR company and the 2021 Munich Shanghai Electronic Exhibition. Do you know why EMAR has a special fondness for the Munich Electronic Exhibition? The reason is actually very simple. The Munich Shanghai Electronics Show is an exhibition for the electronics industry and an important event within the industry. As an integrated manufacturer dedicated to providing electronic stamping solutions and processing production for global services, EMAR leverages its advantages to provide high-quality molds to customers, manufacture batch products with high consistency, and assist customers in enhancing competitiveness! The 2021 Munich Shanghai Electronic Exhibition (electronica China), with the theme of "Integrated Innovation, Intelligent Future", gathers over 1000 high-quality electronic enterprises from home and abroad. The exhibition content includes semiconductors, embedded systems, sensors, connectors, passive components, power supplies, testing and measurement, Internet of Things technology, automotive electronics and testing PCB、EMS、 Display technology. EMAR Company will be exhibiting at the Shanghai New International Expo Center from April 14th to 16th at the venue: EMAR Precision 2021 Муніх Шангай(pic1)

EMAR Precision 2021 Муніх Шангай(pic2)EMAR Precision 2021 Муніх Шангай(pic3)EMAR Precision 2021 Муніх Шангай(pic4)EMAR Precision 2021 Муніх Шангай(pic5)

Dongguan EMAR Precision Electronic Technology Co., Ltd — прафесійны вытворца ODM/OEM, спецыялізаваны ў дызайны і вытворцы дакладных мадэляў і дакладных мадэляў. Прадукт выкарыстоўваецца ў індустрыях, такіх як аўтаматычная электроніка, новыя энергетычныя батарэі, медыцынская электроніка, разумныя домы, інфармацыйныя пакеты і т.д Дазволіць вырашэнні для прапаноў, стварыць хуткі праттып і захаваць пачатковыя кошты распрацоўкі прадукту; Utilize EMAR's six major technological advantages to make their products more competitive through our company's technological strengths.