Mae'r brifo torri'n digwydd fel arfer wrth droi ffyrdd slender, cydrannau tenau-waliau, a.y.b. Pan fydd y driniad yn trwm, mae'r sŵn sylweddol yn cysylltu â driniadau trwm efo amlwg sy'n fwy na degoedd o mikrometrau fel arfer. Wrth torri, efallai y bydd y driniad yn fwy na 100 μm, ac mae'n bosib peidio â peidio â peidio â peidio, ond ni chaniateir gadael craciau driniad amlwg ar yr wyneb peidio ar y wyneb peidio.
Mae'r driniad a greuwyd gan torri metel yn fenomen diogel iawn.
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If vibration occurs during machining, relative displacement will occur between the tool and the workpiece, resulting in vibration marks on the machining surface, which seriously affects the surface quality and performance of the component
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When cutting vibration occurs, the process system is continuously subjected to dynamic AC loads, and the cutting tools are very prone to wear (even tool breakage). The connection characteristics of the machine tool are destroyed, and in severe cases, cutting cannot continue
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The noise generated during vibration can also harm the health of the operator.
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Felly, er mwyn sicrhau gweithredu arferol y dyfais brosesu mecanig hwn, mae rheoli torri'r ymdrin yn fwy pwysig.