Aluminum profile frame is a customized frame/bracket for equipment and machinery made from industrial aluminum profiles. The benefits and advantages of customizing industrial aluminum profiles for aluminum frame frames need not be elaborated here, as I believe everyone knows. For those who don't know, you can browse some aluminum profile knowledge published by the editor earlier. Aluminum profiles have always been a cost-effective frame material in the market.
1. Protective cover for machinery and equipment
Makina-gailu babesgarria aluminio-profil-fotograma mota bat da, fotograma gisa ere ezaguna. Aurpegi babesgarri hau ez da makina-gailuaren segurtasuna bakarrik babestzen, baina gailua eramaten duen makina ere onartzen du.
2. Equipentziaren bracketa
Equipment bracket is another function of aluminum profile frame. Aluminum profiles can be customized into various equipment and machine brackets, which are used to carry the weight of equipment and machines and support them as a type of frame.
3. Equipentziaren produkzio lerroaren korapilatua
Produkzio-lerroaren atalak aluminio profilak prozesatzen dituzten bitartean bildu daitezke. Prozesatutako eta bildutako atalak prozesatutako aluminio-profilak prozesatutako eta bildutako atalak prozesatzeko lerroaren atalak bezala dira, ez bakarrik pisua jaso, baina prozesatzeko lerroaren lanarekin elkartu daitezke.
4. Production line workbench
The production line workbench is also an aluminum profile frame assembled by processing aluminum profiles, which is the workbench frame for production line work and is used in conjunction with manual production.