In our daily lives, Metal Stamping parts can be seen everywhere, such as accessories on shoes, bags, and clothes. So, how do we maintain and care for metal stamping molds in normal use? Let's take a look together below.

Ar an gcéad dul síos, na páirteanna brúite sa mholl stampála miotail, amhail plátaí brúite agus U-ghléach, agus na páirteanna díluchtaithe, amhail plátaí scaoilte agus ábhair aer-chlúdaigh. Agus cothabháil agus cothabháil á dhéanamh aige, seiceáil an bhfuil damáiste déanta ag codanna gach comhpháirte. Má bhíonn damáiste ann, ba cheart é a cheartú láithreach. Seiceáil an bhfuil ábhar an chlúdaigh aeir ag lorg agus faisnéis mhionsonraithe á sholáthar. Má dhéantar damáiste don phíoblíne, féadfar é a chur in ionad.
Secondly, metal stamping molds may experience phenomena such as punch breakage, twisting, and biting during use. The punch is usually bitten, and the damage to the punch and punch sleeve is generally replaced with parts of the same standard.
The third issue is that elastic components such as springs in metal stamping molds are most prone to damage during use. When cracks and deformations occur, maintenance methods can include replacement, but attention must be paid to the standards and types of springs during the replacement process. The standards and types of springs have three items: color, outer diameter, and length, and can only be replaced when all three items are the same.
D’fhéadfadh na codanna éagsúla de stampáil mhiotail a bheith míchothrom, ach tá ról tábhachtach ag gach páirt.