Aluminum alloy is the most widely used non-ferrous metal structural material in industry. Widely used in industries such as aviation, aerospace, automotive, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding, and chemical engineering. Aluminum alloy has the characteristics of low density, high strength, and is close to or higher than high-quality steel. It has excellent plasticity and can be processed into various profiles. It has excellent conductivity, thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance. It is widely used in industry, second only to steel in its applications.
1. The processing of aluminum alloy parts, also known as CNC Machining, automatic lathe machining, CNC lathe machining, etc,
(1) Pozistans machin jeneral tankou otobil, milling machin, planèn, machin k'ap wise, ak grinders pwosesis en pati, epi lè sa a fè nesesè reparasyon anfò ak monte yo nan plizyè molds.
(2) Pou en pati ak anwo nan syèl presyon enpòtans, li is difisil pou garantire gwo machin an accuracy ak nòmal alat machin an sèl, se konsa adisyon machin presyon sont bezwen pou protéines.
(3) An pou otomatik pwosesis de en pati, espesyalman konplèks fòm punches, konkave twou, Et twou cavities, Et diminye travay la de maintenance anpil, li nesesè pou itilize alat CNC machin (tankou 3D CNC milling machines, machin sant, CNC grinders, etc.) pou pwosesis en pati yo.
2. simpar pwosesis de alloy aluminium pati.
Awanma se yon pwosè qui ki aplike fòs externe pou plates, strips, tiyo nou, ak pwofil nan yon pwès Et en, ki koze yo pou undergo plastic deformation ou separe, nan lòd pou obtenir fòm Et taille de travay a (pati en). Dap échelle qui se yon pwosè pwodwi ki itilize pouvwa a konsantrasyonal ou espesyalize ekipman an pou dirèkteman subjekte fil mwaten pou deformation fòs Et deformations nan en a, se pou sa pwodwi pwodwi pati ak yon kèk fòm, taille, ak performance. Olye wòch, molds, Et ekipman sont twa eleman de echantiyon traiter. O final se yon pwosesis metòd de metal frèt deformation, se konsa li te rele frèt en ou wòch metòd stamping, abrégé kòm estamping. Li se youn nan pwensipal metòd de protéines mèt nan plastic.
Nan anplis pou pwosesis Et qui pwosesis de aluminium alloy pati, protéines de alloy aluminium pati tou enplike pwosesis sifas tretman, inclusive anodizing, electroplating, etching, etc. Miltip protéines metòd.