In our daily lives, Metal Stamping parts can be seen everywhere, such as accessories on shoes, bags, and clothes. So, how do we maintain and care for metal stamping molds in normal use? Let's take a look together below.

Firstly, the pressing parts in the metal stamping mold, such as pressure plates and U-glue, and the unloading parts, such as release plates and air cap materials. When carrying out maintenance and upkeep, check whether the parts of each component are damaged. If there is any damage, it should be corrected immediately. Check whether the air cap material is leaking and provide detailed information. If the pipeline is damaged, it can be replaced.
An dezyèmman, metal stamping molds pouvwa expérience fenomèn tankou kout pwen ranpli, vert, Et koupe pandan itilize. pwen a konn fèt, Et domèn a pou pwen ak tonbe pwen se jeneralman remplase ak pati de menm estanda la.
Twazyèm pwoblèm an se sa elastik composants tankou sous nan metal echantiyon molds yo ki pi pwononse pou domèn pandan sèvi ak li. Lè fann ak deformations rive, metodes maintenance ka inklui sosyans, men atansyon dwe peye pou estanda yo ak kalite sous pandan pwosè sosyans la. Estanda ak kalite sous-ensemble gen twa bagay: koulè, deyò dyamèt, ak longueur, Et ka sèlman remplase lè tout twa bagay yo menm bagay la tou.
diferan pati de stamping metal yo ka sanble inconspicuous, men chak pati pran yon wòl enpòtan. Lè inspèkte Et kenbe wòl stamping molds, pati andedan li ta dwe tou assez identifike.