Pri fabriksyon an de wòch metal kalkile ki baze sou tan operasyon an
Laser koupe pou 8RMB/M, kalkile nan 1RMB pa ti twou
CNC pri de 5RMB/Min
CNC qui pwè: 1 RMB pa bò, tout bagay an de la pou pi gwo bò
Hle travay ki devan kalkulasyon se 70RMB pa jou, ak 50KG pa jou travay kòm benchmark la

Mètodi kalkile pi wo mande yon nivo anwo nan syèl la de kalite compréhension ak yon fason konpweyansyon entender trends, sa vle di yo sont difisil pou opere
Militè mwayèn kalkulasyon sa a sont fòmil empirique ki pa konsidere pwosè an protéines protéines protéines:
Material price=unfolded weight of material dropped x market material price
Procesyans manje kalkulasyon: san konsidere pwosè, taks, manje lajan, Et tout kout pou endisman
Benchmark kalkulasyon: 3200RMB/T frèt vile nwa pil an t=2.0 1804-m dégradé 7 IT7
Chòl travay prosan kout: 8.0-8.4RMB/KG, ak travay pwodwi 50KG ou plis pa travay,
Jwèt ki gen travay ki gen sèvi ak machin ki koupe (grinding wheel machine cutting, gran stil shearing machin, gran stil bending machin, lieu prèsing, gran bati, Et outsourcing pri ranging de 7.2 pou 7.5 RMB/KG.
A pi wo pwosesis koefisyan baz se ansanm pou 1.
The outsourcing costs for CNC cutting, CNC punching, CNC bending, and CO2 shielded welding are calculated with a coefficient of 2.5-3.5, and the coefficients are taken into account based on the number of processes and complexity.
Cutting pase de fwa enpak;
Lè tablo a pa rive fè 2, presis protéines a kalkile kòm rive fè 2
Lè a, taille plat se pipiti pase 1.2, la kout processement se miltipliye pa 2.5 a 3.5
Lè pwi mache yo de materyèl fluctuates, pwosesis kost la rete pa chanje.
Si produksyon wòch la montre konplètman san boulvèy, koefisyan konte se miltipliye pa 0.75 pou 0.85, anjeneralman pran pi gwo valè;
Lè nivo tolerans ogmante pou 1804-f, koefisyan konte se miltipliye pa 1.5-2;
Pou batch qui Et vertent, eple a koefisyan konte pa 1.1 pou 1.5;
Pri ki dispare sifas la se 20-30 RMB/m2
The price for surface three degree paint processing is 15-20RMB/m2;
Pou moun ki gen enpòtans espesyal ak difikilte nan produksyon ak protéines, li nesesè pou konsidere vòltaj a epi miltipliye koefisyan vòltaj a;
The above pricing is the standard pricing, which means that if the scrap rate is within 3%, the profit is approximately 28% to 35%. After deducting taxes, the profit is around 18% to 23%. If there is a requirement for profit, the corresponding multiplication coefficient should not be less than 1.75 when pricing