Tablo metral chassis proténsif se yon souvan itilize pwodwi nan anviwònman pouvwa, tankou distribisyon bwat, faible-vòltaj distribisyon kabinets, gaz kòmanse kabinets, anwo nan syèl la vòltaj distribisyon kabinets, etc. Tablo metal proténsif teknoloji enplike tradisyonèl metòd Et pwosesis Paramètres tankou koupe, punching, bending ak qui, ak plizyè fri échelle mold structures Et pwosesis Paramètres, diferan ekipman travay principes ak pwosesis kontwòl, ak nouvo echantiyon teknoloji ak pwosesis. Tout pwosesis protéines proténsif nan protéines se relativement konplèks. Se poutèt sa, jan se kout yo jwenn chassis metāl protéines kalkile?

Kota de chassis mwatyèl la kapab konsidere nan sis aspè sa yo:
1. Transportation cost: The cost of transportation is allocated to the product.
2. Management expenses include factory rent, water and electricity, as well as financial expenses.
3. Material cost: Net material cost for drawing requirements=size x density x unit price+batch defect rate loss
4. Kosa de pati estanda ak aksisyon: rapòte a kosta estanda pati enpòtan pa dessin yo
5. Tablo a gazis mètal ki pwogram a refere pou pwogram pwogram pwodwi a oblije pou chak pwogram de pwodwi a pwodwi ekilè.
6. manje pakè: en sou diferan pwodwi ak requirements pakèt, kost la ap anpil diferan
7. Pwofeita: Konsidere devlopman tan long è de enterprise lan ak pi bon ki sèvi patè yo
The above is just a brief description of the concept. For detailed methods, please refer to the introduction in the following column:
Pri yo jwenn chasis metal jeneralman se sòm de koz materyèl, proténsion izmaksas, ak pati tretman sifas. Pou sanble chasis ak senp èstrikti yo, pri proténsion a ka estime ki baze sou diferan zòn. The specific Sheet Metal Processing manufacturers are different. You can consult the sheet metal factory for a quotation and estimate the price based on the area.