Emma Technology Co., Ltd. se yon fèt pwofesyonèl mal proténsif metral ki ka bay enfòmasyon servès ki gen rapò ak kliyè. Nou adhere pwensip kalite ak servis kòm pwensipal proténsif, epi ka pote ou pwodwi ak kalite anwo nan syèl la ak bon servis.
Pwopo enpòtan nan estime fil wòch protéines se fil metal protéines. Class processing mainly includes methods and parameters such as cutting, cutting, bending and forming. Sa tou enplike èstrikti en Et pwosesis parameters de echantiyon frèt, principes travay ak opere metòd de diferan ekipman, Et a procession de metal materyèl pou diferan nouvo pwosesis de pati te rele poze metòd protéines.
The processing of metal materials can be called Sheet Metal Processing, which can process various shapes, such as furniture accessories, computer cabinets, monitoring water tanks, etc. The main processes include cutting, bending, bending, forming, welding, etc., which require the operator to have a certain knowledge of geometry. Tablo metal pati sont materyèl hardware pwodwi ki fè pa processement byen pwès plat materyèl nan ti plat, ki kapab être processé nan estampe, en, ak lòt metòd.
Ki kote se yon dlo wòch metòd protéines faktè? Vin e jwenn Emma Technology Co., Ltd. pou yo fè fèt mwayèn protéines. Nou se pwofesyonèl epi genyen plis 20 an de eksperyans nan anpil chèn teknik pou yo pwoteje pwodwi ou! CNC punching machin, laser koupe, CNC banning, etc. ka tout retounen. Si ou bezwen yon quotation pou fil wòch protéines, tanpri santi liv pou inquire.