A punch press is a stamping type press machine. In production, the stamping process has the power to save materials compared to traditional mechanical processing, and has high efficiency. It also does not require high operator skills and can produce products that cannot be reached by mechanical processing through various mold applications. Therefore, its use in stamping factories is becoming increasingly widespread. Punching machines are widely used in electronics, communications, computers, household appliances, furniture, transportation, hardware components, and other stamping and forming industries.
Slökkvavélar spila marga hluti í búnaðarbúnaði:
1. Punching, thick sheet punching, and punching production are mainly aimed at sheet metal. They can pass through molds, make cutting, punching, forming, deep drawing, trimming, precision punching, shaping, riveting, and extrusion parts, etc. They can process parts with large scales and complex shapes. Five Metal Stamping has high strength and rigidity.
2. Forming, svo sem járnplattar, bollar, skápur, plötur o.s.frv., krefst minni neyslu efnis til að framleiða metalstífla í stíflaverksmiðjum og kostnaður metalstíflahluta er einnig tiltölulega lágur.
3. Fjarlægja og laga má á óvenjuleg málsvæði. Meðan málsvæði er stíflað tryggir moldinn stöðugleika skalans, nákvæmni myndarinnar og gæði málsvæðisins.
4. Rivetting, tenging tveggja metalhluta saman, neytir minna efni og krefst ekki annarra hitatækja. Þa ð er einnig efni sparandi og orkuveiðferð. Það er lítil kostnaður fyrir metalstíflahluta, sem gerir það viðeigandi fyrir stóra framleiðslu og notkun.
This article is from EMAR Mold Co., Ltd. For more EMAR related information, please click: www.sjt-ic.com,