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Talk about the mold maintenance rules of the stamping parts processing factory
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Talk about the mold maintenance rules of the stamping parts processing factory

출시 날짜:2025-01-07     검색 횟수 :

Generally speaking, customers have high requirements on the service life of the die when looking for a stamping processing plant to process the die. Therefore, the factory should not only pay attention to the rationality of the die design during the processing to ensure that the requirements can be met. It is also necessary to pay attention to the protection and maintenance of the die during the stamping of the die to prevent accidental damage to the die during processing. So what points should the factory pay attention to? EMAR answers for you:

1. The stamping plant should conduct regular protection and maintenance inspections of the molds.

2. The stamping processing plant should check the number of repairs within a certain period of time (if the number of machining for regular maintenance is set incorrectly or the judgment of mold dependence is wrong, it will lead to more maintenance times); Talk about the mold maintenance rules of the stamping parts processing factory(pic1)

3. Inquire about the content of incident protection (when the mold is often protected during the set service life, the processing number of punctual protection should be reduced and the disposal content of incident protection should be confirmed as temporary or permanent).

4. Review whether the temporary disposal measures and permanent countermeasures for incident protection content are appropriate.

5. Develop an improvement protection plan.

Unscheduled maintenance is necessary for stamping processing plants to maintain molds, which should be kept in mind.

This article is from EMAR Mold Co., Ltd. For more EMAR related information, please click: www.sjt-ic.com,