Stamping is a commonly used processing technique in metallic processing. In increasing demand for product accuracy, the application of CNC spinning machining is gradually becoming more and widespread. Utraque processus materiae tabulae in formam procedere potest, sed in comparatione ad stampionem, CNC spinning habet differences significantes et avantias.
1. Principle difference
CPC spinning processing is controlled by the path of the rotary (cutting wheel) to control the flow and deformation of the billet, while stretching and stamping forming is controlled by the combination of upper and lower convex and concave molds to control the flow of the material and ultimately form.
2. Mold differences
To produce the same hardware molding product, CNC spinning only requires the production of one core mold, while stretching and stamping require the production of two convex and concave molds. The manufacturing cost of the molds is usually 3-6 times that of CNC spinning. Furthermore, circulus fabricationis molarum spinationis brevior est quam molarum extendentium et pulserentium, et dimensiones faciliores sunt modificare.

Shangxi tuba shrink spinning
3. Differentiae in costis materiae
The thinning rate of raw materials in spinning processing is usually about 30%, while the thinning rate in stretching and stamping processing is about 10%. The thinning rate in CNC spinning processing is relatively higher. Nunc minima densitate metallorum quae a spina CNC procedere potest est 0,5mm, cum extendere et stampio quasi 5-10mm ex ore pressione material is requirit, quae alta costa materiae requirit.
4. Differentiae in processione procedurae
Even for simple hardware formed products, stretching and stamping still need to go through basic processes such as cutting, forming, and trimming. Some products require multiple stretching processes for forming, which are complex but have relatively faster processing speeds; In machina CNC spinationis formatio et secatio CNC simul impleta potest, sed velocitas processationis parterum individuorum lentem erit. In addition, for some products with long or irregular stretching heights, stretching and stamping forming may cause product cracking, while spinning processing is easier to complete product forming.
5 Product Differences
Ex superficie produkti, fabricati spinationis in patrono circularo distribuerunt, cum fabricati fabricati fabricati modellas verticali distribuerunt in superficie. In terms of product strength, a cause of metal being spun, the internal arrangement of molecules becomes tighter and the density increases. Therefore, the strength of spun products is much higher than that of tensile stamping.

Differentia texturae inter spinam et stampionem
Due his advantages of CNC spinning, it is also widely used in aerospace, military, hydropower and other fields, especially in aerospace manufacturing products such as aircraft nose covers and auxiliary fuel tanks with large dimensions, high precision and strength requirements. Traditional stamping processing is no longer able to meet the requirements. Therefore, CNC spinning process is also increasingly used.