Subdivisio superficie processionis hardware dividetur in: oxidation procession hardware, spray painting processing hardware, electroplating, surface polishing processing, hardware corrosion processing, etc.
Surface processing of hardware parts:
1. Oxidation processing: When producing hardware products (mainly aluminum parts), hardware factories use oxidation processing to make the surface of the hardware products harder and less susceptible to wear and tear.
2. Spray painting processing: Hardware factories use spray painting processing to produce large hardware products, which helps prevent rusting of hardware components, such as daily necessities, electrical casings, handicrafts, etc.
3. Electroplating: Electroplating is also the most common processing technology in hardware processing. Through modern technology, the surface of hardware components is electroplated to ensure that products do not undergo mold or embroidery after long-term use. Common electroplating processes include screws, stamped parts, battery cells, car parts, small accessories, etc,
4. Processum inter faciem politiam: Processum inter faciem politiam usus est pro longo tempore in necessitatibus quotidiae. Exemplo, si faciem faciemus combinam, quod est komponentem hardware facientem per stampionem, extremi et anguli pulsavi vehementer acuti sunt. Debimus partibus acutis angulorum et angulorum ut creamus faciem lentem, ita ut non vulneramus corpori hominis dum utilis.

Methodus superprocessionis partium CNC machinatorium primum dependit on the technical requirements of the machining surface. However, it should be noted that these technical requirements may not necessarily be the requirements specified on the part drawing. Sometimes, a process reasons, they may be higher than the requirements of the part drawing in some aspects, such as increasing the machining requirements on the surface of certain CNC machined parts due to non overlapping benchmarks, or possibly requiring higher machining requirements due to being used as precision benchmarks.
Post clarificationem propositionum technicam ad superficiem singulae partis machinae CNC, methodo finis machinae, quod possit assegurare necessitates in hoc opus elegere potest, et numerum graduum et modum machinae per singulos gradus determinare potest. The selected CNC Machining method should meet the requirements of part quality, good machining economy, and high production efficiency. propterea, elegite method processionis, sequentes factores considerabuntur:
1. Any CNC machining method can achieve a considerable range of machining accuracy and surface roughness, but only within a narrow range is economic, and the machining accuracy within this range is economic machining accuracy. Therefore, selecting processing methods, the corresponding processing methods that can achieve economic processing accuracy should be selected.
2. Considere properties of the CNC machining material.
3. Considere formam strukturam et magnitudinem parterum machinarum CNC.
4. Consider productivity and economic requirements. Quando in multis quantitatibus producentibus, superefficientiae progressa accepta sunt. It can even fundamentally change the manufacturing method of the blank, reducing the labor required for mechanical processing.
5. Considere existing equipment and technical conditions of the factory or workshop. When selecting processing methods, make full use of existing equipment, tap into the potential of the enterprise, and release the enthusiasm and creativity of workers. But it is also necessary to consider continuously improving existing processing methods and equipment, adopting new technologies, and improving process levels.
Shenzhen Quick Direct Industrial Technology Co., Ltd
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