In continuo development of modern society, the sheet shell processing industry has also experienced rapid development. Pro omne parte metalla, quidam gradus processionis sunt. The processing steps of sheet metal shell are the key technology that sheet metal technicians need to grasp, and also an important process for forming sheet metal products. Scisne gradus ad fabricationem pellicularum metallos? Below, the editor of Emma Technology Co., Ltd. will introduce you:

Stepes ad faciendum fuscinulae metallorum folii:
1. Drawing design:
Generalis, customers provide drawings or samples, which are measured, designed, and unfolded by company engineering personnel to form sheet metal shell processing exploded drawings and assembly drawings and submitted to the production department for processing.
2. Laser processing:
Laser cutting machine can cut and cut materials such as carbon steel and stainless steel. Using laser cutting and cutting, the cross-section of the workpiece after processing is neat, smooth and beautiful, with precise dimensions. It has more advantages for workpieces with curved lines and is a sheet shell processing method that cannot be replaced by general CNC stamping.
3. CNC stamping:
The turret CNC punching machine is mainly designed for products with thin material thickness, generally suitable for materials below 2.5mm. The sheet metal shell has more holes for processing workpieces or requires special molds to process workpieces. When the batch size is large, using CNC punching has certain cost advantages.
4. Bending:
Si multi partes operantium crescere et formare sunt post secessionem, compania multi computatores bending machinas habet, quæ non solum velocitatem habent, sed etiam accurater processione lapides metallorum.
5. Gravitatio forma:
After the workpiece is cut, it generally needs to be assembled into shape. There are various assembly methods, some of which are directly formed by non welding processes such as screws and rivets. Generally, the sheet metal shell of the mechanical shell is mostly formed by welding. The company generally adopts argon arc welding, butt welding, carbon dioxide welding, etc. After welding, the workpiece is polished and polished to make it more firm and beautiful.
5. Pulveris electrostatis sprayit:
Pulvere electrostatic pulvere in operibus caloris carbon is prima est. In tabulis metallis fabricationis tecnologiae, oleo et rust removal, purificationes superficie, phosphating treatment, electrostatic pulvere spraying, alta temperatura baking et ceteris procedentibus primum exercitur. Post trationem, superficie opus pulcherrimae pulcherrimae pulcherrimae pulcherrimae pulcherrimae non pulcherrimae pluribus annos, et beneficia minimae costis habet. Processus pingae liquidi differt a pulvere electrica sprayi. Generelus, est adequat magnis operibus, et habet avantias, sicut convenientia et minima costa, quando transportari non potest. Painctus liquidus generale dividitur in duos gradus: primus post processionem opus et postea pingitur.
6. Packaging and shipping:
Inspectionem 100% ante packationem facite et datus inspectionis providite. Praecepta navigationis et metodes pacificorum a reprezentatori klientis in sito confirmati sunt et hereby recordati sunt pro further confirmatione a cliente.
In summario, est gradus artificis metallis processionis. Omnes gradus lapidis processionis shell metallis important is est, et omne problema quae in singulis gradus occurrit influencet qualitatem processionis produkti. Pro hoc, omne gradus processionis shell metallis lapidis bene facere debet ut produceret produktos caligificatos lapidibus metallis.