High end CNC machine tools
Haec sex verba tres layer s conceptorum continet, ut videamus per singulos layer.

Handtmann PBZ HD quinque axis CNC milling machine
First, what is a "machine tool"?
In a narrow sense, "machine tool" usually refers to "cutting machine tool" (in a narrow sense, it is because there are also additive manufacturing machine tools such as 3D printing or other special machine tools), which use cutting methods to process workpieces into machine parts. Ut dicit, instrumenta machinae sunt machinae quae machinas fabricant, sic et cognoscuntur "machinas laborantes". In Iaponice vocantur "machinas laborantes" (こさくきかい), et in Anglice vocantur "Instrumenta Machine".
Prima verum instrumentum machinae factum est machina confusa inventa a Britannia industrialista John Wilkinson in 1775. Originalis motivatio ad inventionem hoc maquinam enutilem erat problemam praecepticam ad fabricationem cannonum precisiorum in militia in illo tempore solvendum.
Boring machining is a cutting process that uses cutting tools to enlarge the inner diameter of holes or other circular contours on rotating works pieces. It corresponds to turning, which is a cutting process that uses a tool to reduce the outer diameter of a rotating workpiece or to shape the final face. [2]

Boring (left) and turning (right) processes
47 annos Wilkinson, post continuum efficiones in fabrica patris sui, novissime hoc machinam novum creavit, ut cannon barrels producere cum pretiositate rare. Principulus opus est rotare ferentis ferentis per rotam aquae rotae et pulsere illum relative ad pecora cylindrica operis. Focus ferentis ferentis transit per cylindrum et in ambos finis subtitur. A causa relative motion inter instrumentum et pecora opus, materia portatur in foveam cylindricam altam precision.

Schematic diagram of the first boring machine
And the boring machine was later used for machining steam engine cylinders. The reason is that after James Watt invented the steam engine, he found it very difficult to manufacture steam engine cylinders using forging methods, and due to the low manufacturing accuracy and severe air leakage of the cylinders, the manufacturing and efficiency improvement of the steam engine were limited. [3] After adopting this boring machine, high-precision cylinders of over 50 inches can be manufactured, greatly improving the processing quality and production efficiency of steam engine cylinders, and thus achieving great success.
Afterwards, to meet the needs of various processing techniques, various types of machines such as lathes, milling machines, planers, grinders, drilling machines, etc. emerged one after another. [4]

Drilling (left) and milling (right) processes
Then, what is a "CNC machine tool"?
Prima computatoria electronica anno 14 Februarii 1946 in Pennsylvania Universitate in America Foederata natus est. The initial motivation for its development was to manufacture an "electronic" computing device that replaced relays with electronic tubes at the request of the US military in the context of World War II, to calculate the trajectory of shells.
Six years later, in 1952, Parsons collaborated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to develop the first numerical control (NC) machine tool (also known as a "digital control machine tool") by combining a numerical control system based on electronic computers with a milling machine from Cincinnati. From then on, traditional machine tools underwent a qualitative change, marking the beginning of the CNC era for machine tools. [5]

Prima instrumenta CNC machinae (machina milling)
Sex annos postea, anno 1958, MIT cum pluribus companiis sub sponsoritate militiae Americae ad APT (instrumenta automatica Programmationis), lingua computatoriae alta nivello ut instruktiones operantis ad instrumenta machinae CNC generaret. Metodo maximus nunc est instruktiones RS-274 formati utili, saepe dicitur "code G". [7]
Con continuo development of computer technology, microprocessors are applied to digital control, greatly improving their functions. This type of system is called Computer Digital Control (CNC), Computer Numerical Control), Instrumentum machinae, quod hoc systemam applicat, etiam dicitur CNC instrumentum machinae, quod est instrumentum machinae numericae contra computatorium, aut simplex dicitur "instrumentum machinae CNC".
Numerical Control technology in instrumentis CNC machinae technica est ut signalis digitales utilizat ut motionem et machinam proceduram instrumenti machinae controlare faciat. Instrumenta machinae CNC instrumentum machinae est quae tecnologia CNC utilizat, aut system a CNC equipata est. The Fifth Technical Committee of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) defines a CNC machine tool as a machine tool equipped with a program control system. Haec systema kontrolis logica potest programmas cum codibus control aut aliis instruktionibus symbolicis, decodere eos, cum numeris codicis representare, et intrare eas in systemam CNC per portatores informationis. Post computationem et processationem, varia signa controlli a dispositivo CNC emittentur ut actionem instrumenti machinae control are, et partes automaticament secundum necessitates processuntur.

The machining process of CNC machine tools
CNC machina instrumenta processionis koordinatas motionis instrumenti et obrutorum in universibus minimis, id est minima displacementia. Sistema CNC coordinatas a pluribus minimis displacementibus movet secundum requiribus programmae partis (i.e. tractura motionis instrumenti controlat), tunc motionem relativam inter instrumentum et fabricationem facit et machinam partee completa.
Mobilitate relativa instrumenti longe axis coordinatae mensura est in unitatibus equivalent is pulsae (mm/pulsae). When the cutting path is a straight line or arc, the CNC device performs "data point densification" between the starting and ending values of the line segment or arc, calculates a series of intermediate point coordinate values, and then output pulses to each coordinate according to the intermediate point coordinate values to ensure the desired straight line or arc contour is processed.
Densitatio punctis datum exercitus a dispositivis CNC interpolationem vocatur, et generale apparatus CNC functionem functionum basic interpolation is (sicut functiones linearum et circularum). In fact, machining any curve L part on a CNC machine tool is approximated by the basic mathematical functions that the CNC device can handle, such as lines, arcs, etc. Naturally, the approximation error must meet the requirements of the part drawing.
Compared with traditional machine tools, CNC machine tools have the following advantages:
Exalta procedentia precisa et qualitate stabila. For each pulse output by the CNC system, the displacement of the moving parts of the machine tool is called the pulse equivalent. The pulse equivalent of CNC machine tools is generally 0.001mm, and high-precision CNC machine tools can reach 0.0001mm, with much higher motion resolution than ordinary machines. In addition, CNC machine tools have position detection devices that can provide feedback to the CNC system on the actual displacement of parts or the angle of the screw and servo motor, and compensate for it. Pro hoc precisa machinae maiores quam instrumentum machinae ipsum possunt facere. Qualitate parterum quae a instrumentis machinae CNC proceduntur guarantea est ab instrumento machinae et erroribus operationis non influentur, sic granditudo consistentia pariter parterum bona est et qualitate stabila est. Capabile facile aut impossibile partibus complexis procedere cum instrumentis machinae ordinaris. For example, CNC machine tools that use two axis linkage or more than two axis linkage can process rotating body curved parts, cam parts, and various complex spatial curved parts with curved generatrix. Exalta productivitate efficientia. Speede spindle and feed range of CNC machines are larger than those of ordinary machines, and the good structural rigidity allows CNC machines to use large cutting amounts, effectively saving maneuvering time. For the processing of certain complex parts, if a CNC Machining center with an automatic tool changing device is used, it can achieve continuous processing of multiple processes under one clamping, reduce the turnover time of semi-finished products, and improve productivity more significantly. Fortis adaptabilitatis ad redisignum produktorum. Postquam design modificata partibus machinis, tantum necesse est mutare programmam machinationis partibus et adjustare parametros instrumentorum in instrumento machinae CNC ad faciendum machinationis partibus modificationis, multo reducere ciklum preparation is productionis. Therefore, CNC machine tools can quickly transition from processing one type of part to processing another modified design of part, which provides great convenience for the processing of single and small batch new trial products and frequent updates of product structure. Beneficial for the development of manufacturing technology towards comprehensive automation. Instrumenta machinae CNC sunt instrumenta basic pro automatica processionis mechanicae. Systemae automaticae integratae, sicut FMC (Flexible Machine Center), FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System), CIMS (Computer Integrated Manufacturing System), etc., aedificata in instrumentis machinae CNC, enable the integration, intelligence, and automation of mechanical manufacturing. This is because the control system of CNC machine tools adopts digital information and standardized code input, and has communication interfaces, making it easy to achieve data communication between CNC machine tools. It is most suitable for connecting computers to form an industrial control network, realizing the calculation, management, and control of automated production processes. Fortis monitorins function et potestas errores diagnosare. Sistema CNC non solum motum instrumenti machinae controlat sed etiam supervisorem instrumenti machinae comprehensivam offert. Exemplo, early warning and error diagnosis can be carried out for some factors that cause errors, greatly improved the efficiency of maintenance. Reducite laborem intensitatem operatorum et meliora faciendum. Finally, what is a "high-end CNC machine tool"?
The definition of "high-end" or "high-end" CNC machine tools: CNC machine tools with functions such as high-speed, precision, intelligence, composite, multi axis linkage, network communication, etc. Its development symbolizes that the country's current machine tool manufacturing industry occupies an advanced stage in the development of the world's machine industry. Therefore, internationally, high-end machine tool technologies such as five axis linkage CNC machine tools are regarded as an important symbol of a country's industrialization. 8 GB DiskINTEL SSDS Driver

DMG Five Axis Machining Center
Instrumentos machinae CNC in tres nivellos dividentur basis super nivellum functionis suis: low, medium, and high. Haec metodo classification is in Sinis amplius est. The boundaries between low, medium, and high end are relative, and the classification standards vary in different periods. Based on the current level of development, it can be generally distinguished from the following aspects (of course, this classification cannot include all indicators):

Comparison of High, Medium and Low End CNC Machine Tools
With the development of advanced production technology, modern CNC machine tools are required to develop towards high speed, high precision, high reliability, intelligence and more complete functions.