Sequentia machinae industriae CNC pro partes precision crucial est, quoniam qualitatem parterum precision assegurat. Si processus incorrectus, causabit substantiam perditionem, et in cases graves, redactionem petebit. So what is its sequence (process)?

The sequence arrangement of CNC Machining of precision parts should be based on the structure and rough condition of the parts, as well as positioning, centering and fixture considerations. The key is that the rigidity of the workpiece cannot be damaged. Therefore, the milling process of the previous process should not affect the positioning and clamping of the next process, and other CNC machining processes interspersed in the middle should also be considered.
In eadem procesum clampionis, processus, qui causat minimum damnationem rigiditatem opus, primum ordinetur. Secundo characteres structurarum parterum precision, pars processionis in: forma interiora cavitate, aeroplane curvata. First, process the inner cavity, then process the positioning surface in a flat surface, then process the curved surface, and continue to process the hole. Hoc potest reducere numerum variationum instrumentorum et clampsimum, salvare tempus, et reddere errores. First, it is processed into simple geometric shapes, with low precision rough machining, and then processed into complex geometric shapes with high machining accuracy. Perfect fine processing.