In catering industry of our country, there are countless restaurants and cafes, and various light boxes are made outside those large and small restaurant brands. What is the thickness of those restaurants light boxes? Not all lightboxes are suitable for my restaurant, it depends on the size and decoration style of the restaurant. If the specifications of the lightboxes are not suitable and will affect the restaurant's aesthetics, it can also waste the restaurant's operating costs.

Restaurantium lightbox size ultra-thin lightbox - double-sided lightbox painted
The use of metal plates is the heart of the brand, so the brightness of the light box LED must be sufficient, but when it comes into contact with electricity, safety issues can be guaranteed. The use of metal plates with uniform thickness that meets international standards, good outdoor acid resistance and rust resistance, can last for a long time. The installation of side mounted light boxes is also a very convenient, and some businesses will provide free installation services. Square restaurant light boxes with ultra-thin dimensions can have lengths and altitudines of 120 * 4040cm, a nenequam nequam pertinent, in nequam nequam nequam nequam pertinent, in nequam nequam nequaquam nequam pertinent, nequam forta, nequam in 60cm, 60 * 90cm, et supra sunt dimensiones conventional 7cm, pretium circa 1400 yuan.

Restaurant lightbox size ultra-thin lightbox - acrylic spray painted lightbox
Outside lightboxes have stricter quality requirements, so considering the external conditions that need to be met, such as the long-term effects of sun light and rain, lightboxes are also prone to corrosion or fading. Therefore, using acrylic materials, which are good for outer use, can generally ensure that they will not fade within 5 years and can also block ultraviolet radiation. Alius stylistic feature is the double-sided LED display, which can comprehensively display the position of the restaurant bar. Dimensio aeque est quam antequam modellum.

Restaurant Lightbox Size - Price List Price List Plate
In many cake shops or coffee shops, we can also see price list light boxes of this type at the cash register or ordering place. This type of light box is the most practical light box, which can reduce the business of the store. Owners can choose their favorite food according to the introduction on the light box, and the light box can also be changed, and it is relatively convenient. Generally, the size of the price list light box is ultra-thin light boxes of 49 * 73cm, 49 * 63cm, 49 * 53cm, which can be purchased in groups.

Restaurant lightbox size ultra-thin lightbox - promote crystal lightbox
In various large supermarkets or hotels, they can not only see various atmospheric promotional lightboxes, some on outdoor sidewalks, but also in indoor large shopping malls. This type of lightbox has a great impact on the image of the enterprise. Therefore, when designing and decorating lightboxes, it is important to focus on promoting brand image or activity themes, try to be frugal, and also express clearly. The largest size of this type of promotional crystal lightbox is 120 * 240CM, or even above, which are usually customized. Prius est circa decem iuana.
Prius lucernae non est multo carissimus, et illud significat. Bonus lucerna lucernae gustum et imaginem restaurionis monstrat. Tunc ergo, attention etiam ad splendorem, granditudinem, imaginem et claritatem lucernae dum installatio et designatio, sublime lucernam. Utrum non possumus esse negligi.