Multa PP ex necessitatibus quotidianum venit, sicut cisternas plasticos, pedibus, cisternas aquarum, oryzas canistas, stolas plasticos, stolas, saccis woven, et alia fabrica fabrica fabrica fabrica fabrica fabrica fabrica fabrica fabrica fabrica fabrica et cetera.
First, separate the colors of various materials, as this will make it convenient for users, improve quality, and increase prices.
2. Nullate pulvere aquae crudelis, tunc siccatorem spinam ut aridam reliquam aquam, et finem aridam et saccum illum. Mix with a mixer and add some color and additives.
3. Machina plastica dedicata pro granulatione raedarum utilizata est, sed temperatura granulae nimis alta non debet esse, quam brittle facta potest, ergo importa est attention ad temperaturam.
4. Water cooled pellet cutting should be standard 3X4mm, otherwise even the best material will not look good or standard in appearance.
5. Concernente sinceris materiae, prima est propter addendum calcium carbonati. Generalis, quando plus quam 10% plasticae additur, plastica in aquam sint. So the sinking material needs to be processed separately, preferably by separate granulation. It can be mixed in low-grade products and can only be used for injection molded products. Other blow molded products cannot be used.

Qingdao Sainuo focuses on the research and development, production, and application of additives such as polyethylene wax, providing you with a product system that is resistant to precipitation, highly lubricated, and highly dispersed. The company has a mature technology research and development team and advanced international laboratories that are open to the outside world. We provide technical support such as formula optimization, cost reduction, and efficiency improvement for customers in need. At the same time, in order to comply with environmental requirements, we also provide enterprises with one-stop packaging and dust-free services for additives.