Ut ostendit in figura inferiora est tabula operimentum cum angulis tres rotundis quomodo faciat hoc angulum rotundum? Let me explain to everyone!
Aperi software Solid Works et clic Novum
Select the part and click OK
Select the reference plane, click on the sketch, and choose the center rectangle
Diagrammas sequentis
Click on stretch cutting, given a depth of 30 mm
Click on the rounded corner
Select all edges blue of the arrows in the following image with a chamber radius of 15mm
Click on the shell extraction button and set the shell extraction thickness to 1.5mm. The arrow indicates the surface to be removed.
Generate solidos parts
Draw a sketch of stretching cutting on the surface indicated by the arrow
Click on entity conversion reference
Select the blue border at the four corners of the arrow
Click on stretch cutting, select to form a vertex, and choose the point at the arrow
Efectus post resection
Click on the sketch and select the line
Select the surface shown in the following image
Click on stretch resection, select complete penetration, set thin-walled features, symmetrical on both sides, with a gap of 0.1
Click OK and use the same method to cut out gaps in the remaining rounded corners
Click on the entity to convert sheet metal
Select the blue surface for face 1 and select all arcs at the arrow for the bending edge line
Set the bending coefficient K factor to 0.5
Click on the expand button in the following image
Generate expansion, right-click on the expanded surface to generate CAD format
Returnentes ad solidos partes shell, ponete parametros pro extensione et sequente, et attention ad seleccionem contrarium laterum sequentem
Generate sicut in sequente figura monstrata
Draw a stretching and cutting sketch on the following surface
Click on stretch and cut to form a vertex
Click OK
Klicate dextera super superiorem spatiorem vacuum
Click on the surface of the arrow to invoke the surface drawing command and click on the equidistant surface at the arrow
Distancia transferentis dimidia latitudinis tabulae est, 0.75. Interiora transferentia
Click on the blue surface, click hide
The following figure shows the offset surface
Click right on the blank space at the top and select 'Customize'
Select Command - Surface
Press and hold the surface flattening command, drag to the top empty space
Click on the surface flattening button, select the face and vertex according to the arrow
Unclaude superficiem. Superficie caerulea in sequente imagine representat expansionem angulorum rotationum. Clicca ut ad DXF/DWG exportare ut expansionem exiret
Altissimus est metodo duobus partibus metallis