Procede partem pulchritudinis in Figura 1, cum diameter vacuum 55mm longitudinis 50mm, et materiae ferri 45 ferri: chambra 145 non indicata, et Ra12.5 ceteris.

Figure 1 Sleeve components
Tabula 1: Procedure for Processing Outer Circles with Diameter of 34mm and 42mm and Cutting 20.5 Groove
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Nomen programae
N10 G92 X100 Z100
Set the workpiece coordinate system
N20 M03 S500
spindle ante velocitatem 500r/min rotatur
N30 M06 T0101
Replace the 0 # tool (coarse turning tool) with a replacement number of 01
N40 G90 G00 X50 Z2
Circum exteriorem velociter inveni cum diameter 50mm, 2mm longe a facie finis
N50 G80 X42.5 Z-40.5 F200
Raeda kursa 42 mm diameteri ve radial allowance 0.5mm
N60 G80 X34.5 Z-34 F200
Raeda coarse diameter 34mm et radial allowance of 0.5mm
N70 G01 X31 Z1 F200
Move the blade tip to a diameter of 31mm, 1mm away from the end face
N80 X35 Z-1
Chamfering 145
N90 X42
Move the blade to the diameter of 42mm
N100 Z-34
Tabernayı 34mm'e uzaklaştır.
N110 Z-40.5
Dışarı çember 42 mm diametriyle precizit arabası
N120 X45
Retract bladdem a diameter 45mm
N130 G00 X100 Z100
Quickly locate the blade tip to a diameter of 100mm, 100mm away from the end face
N135 T0100
Clear the knife deviation
N140 M06 T0202
Replace the groove cutter with the width of a 2mm
N150 G00 X45 Z-34
Posicio velocis anguli sectionis diametro 45mm et distancia 34mm a fini facie
N160 G01 X33 F50
Cut a slot of 20.5
N170 X48
Move the blade tip to a diameter of 48mm
N180 G00 Z-42.5
Move the blade tip to a distance of 42.5mm from the end face
N190 G01 X0 F50
Cut the workpiece and maintain a length of 40.5mm
N200 G00 X100 Z100
Quickly locate the blade tip to a diameter of 100mm, 100mm away from the end face
N210 T0200
Clear the knife deviation
N215 M05
N220 M02
Programma finit
Tabula 2: Procedura pro Machining Inner Holes
02" in the dash preview to display the "
Nomen programae
N10 G92 X100 Z100
Set the workpiece coordinate system
N20 M03 S500
spindle ante velocitatem 500r/min rotatur
N30 M06 T0101
Replace the 01 tool (end face turning tool) with a replacement number of 01
N40 G90 G00 X44 Z0
Quickly locate at a diameter of 44mm
N50 G01 X20 F50
Car finis facies
N60 G00 Z50
Quickly locate the blade tip to a distance of 50mm from the end face
N70 X100
Est velox inveni ruber tip ad diameter 100mm
N75 T0100
Clear the knife deviation
N80 M06 T0202
Replace the knife with the 02 number (inner hole knife) and make up for it
N90 G00 X18 Z2
Posicio celeriter puncti bladii
N100 G80 X21.6 Z-41 F200
Araba 22 mm diameteri ve radial allowance 0.4mm
N110 G01 X26 Z1 F50
N120 X22 Z-1
Chamfering 145
N130 Z-40.5
Fine tuned inner hole with a diameter of 22mm
N140 G01 X18
Retract the blade tip to a diameter of 18mm
N150 Z100
N160 X100
N165 T0100
Clear the knife deviation
N170 M06 T0303
Keçiyi değiştir ve 4mm içindeki delik kurşunu kullan
N180 G00 X18 Z2
N190 Z-16.5
Posicio celeriter puncti bladii
N200 G01 X23.5 F50
Cutting back blade groove
N210 X20
Retract bladder a diameter 20mm
N220 G81 X23.5 Z-20.5 F50
Cutting groove
N230 G81 X23.5 Z-24.5 F50
N240 G81 X23.5 Z-28 F50
N250 G01 Z-28
Positioning of Blade tip movement
N260 X24
Precision machining groove
N270 Z-16
N280 X20
Retract bladder a diameter 20mm
N290 G00 Z100
Quickly retracte the blade tip to a distance of 100mm from the end face
N300 X100
Quickly retract the blade tip to a diameter of 100mm
N310 T0000
Clear the knife deviation
N315 M05
N320 M02
Programma finit
Tabula 3: Program for Precision Machining of a 34mm Outer Circle
Explanation: %7103
Nomen programae
N10 G92 X100 Z100
Set the workpiece coordinate system
N20 M03 S1000
spindle ante velocitatem mille minutorum/minutis rotatur
N30 M06 T0101
External precision turning tool
N40 G00 Z2
N50 X36
N60 G01 X30 Z1 F50
N70 X34 Z-1
Chamfering 145
N80 Z-34
Fine tuned outside circle with a diameter of 34mm
N90 G01 X45
N100 G00 X100 Z100
Quickly locate the blade tip to a diameter of 100mm, 100mm away from the end face
N110 T0000
Clear the knife deviation
N115 M05
N120 M02
Programma finit
Circum exteriorem clamp diametro quinquaginta mm et adpone illum. Machinae exterioris circuli longitudinis 34mm, machina exterioris circuli longitudinis 42mm, et cursum lignorum longitudinis 20.5 diameteris. culter usatus est circulus exterius qui machinat cultrum deviationis positivum (T01) et cultrum groove (T02) cum latitudine 2mm. The processing route is: rough machining of the outer circle with a diameter of 42mm (leaving a margin), rough machining of the outer circle with a diameter of 34mm (leaving a margin), precision machining of the outer circle with a diameter of 42mm, and cutting of the groove. Programma processionis in tabula 1 monstrata est. Linguas tenebras ut circulum exteriorem clamperem diametro 34mm et intrinsecus delictum procederet. culter utilis facie culter 45 finem habet (T01), intrinsecus cinerem convertentem instrumentum (T02), et culter pulsantum (T03) habet latitudinem 4mm. Rutus tecnologiae processionis est: machinatio finis facie difficile diametro 22mm, machinatio interioris rotae precision diametro 22mm, et interioris rotae diametro 2416. Programma processionis in tabula 2 monstrata est. Laboratorium ligatur spinnulo, pulsatum duo lateribus, et precisium machinatum diameter 34mm in circulo exteriore. The tool used is a precision machined positive offset tool (T01). Metus tecnologiae processionis est: machina precision exterior circuli cum diameter 34mm. Programma processionis in tabula 3 monstrata est.