Metal shrapnel stamping parts are an important component of switches. With the continuity of metal shrapnel, it plays a role in high quality switching between the operator and the product. Yiwei Precision has been engaged in customized processing of precision Metal Stamping parts for 30 years. Customers can customize various complex precision metal spring pieces according to their requirements. subter. Yiwei Precision introduces the material selection of metal bullet stamping parts.

Generally speaking, the material of metal shrapnel is determined based on its purpose and performance. Exemplo, corporis elasticitatem requirit. Alta frequenca utilis et alta pressione. Generalis ferrum, ferrum carbonum, aut altum duritiam ferrum velunt. Postquam formatur fertilitate et extinguere efficiuntur ut cresceret duritiam, reddere saturatem carbonum, et meliora faciant animam servitutis shrapnelis. Si proprietates fisicas quales facile fermento, acido et resistentia alkaliorum, et improvisae conductivitate efficientes fuerint, coper oportet ad faciendum platearum primarum, sicut phosphor coper springs plates, beryllium coper springs plates, etc., quae per electroplating (auro, argento, nickel, tin, etc.) tractabuntur, et alios modos operationis superficiis; Moreover, for digital products such as electronic communication, the main process functional requirements are mainly reflected in precision, conductivity, and weldability. Therefore, when processing shrapnel products using copper materials, generally is specified to use copper materials with certain fixed difficulty levels such as phosphor copper, beryllium copper, purpurpura copper, bras, bras, etc.