Quid est gradus fabricationis ad partibus metallicis precisiis? Yiwei Precision Editor introduces you from the following aspects.

1. Stamping part design
(1) The result of stamping design and implementation is a three-dimensional entity with relevant concepts, such as color, material, hardness, shape, size, position, related parts, and manufacturing process. (2) The emergence of computer technology directly stems from the concept of three-dimensional design, which can more intuitively and accurately express all geometric parameters of design ideas, and can fully discuss the entire design process on a three-dimensional model. (3) Computer technology can help stamping engineers rationalize the design process from a design perspective and gradually create stamping parts from the production of sheet metal and the completion of each process. (4) It can be regarded as a virtual environment for stamping parts. Engineers can directly design and assemble parts on computer screens.
2. Stamping parts development
Postquam conpleta est design partium pulsavorum, necesse est convertere eas in sculpturas dissolatas ut determinaret granditudinem et formam metallis necessaris. (1) Operatio CAD parva est, et processus development est perfectus controlatus. (2) Designum computatorium adiuvatum habet altum efficientiam et evitat errores quas ingeniosi praeparant facere dum procedura development. (3) Designum computatorium adiuvatum habet altum accuractem, et datum extentum a computatorio computatur. Hoc vitat substantiam cibum materiae.
3. Elegite oleum pulsere
Estimat oleum rolum crucial in stampionis. Good cooling performance and extreme pressure wear resistance have made a qualitative leap in the service life of molds and improvement of work piece accuracy. Selection should be based on the raw materials of the workpiece to match: (1) Selection of stamping oil for carbon steel plates should be determined based on the process and degreasing conditions to determine the optimal viscosity. (2) Due chemical reaction with chlorine additives, galvanized steel plates should pay attention to the possible white rust caused by chlorine type stamping oil when selecting stamping oil. Using Yida Borun sulfur stamping oil can avoid the problem of rust, but it should be reduced as soon as possible after stamping. (3) Stoinless steel is a material that is prone to hardening and requires the use of oil film strength,
4. Punching board cutting (1) The cutting machine uses scissors to cut the shape of the shape in length and width. Si punctio est, angulo succidentur, et tunc punctio coniuncta cum morte rotatur ut succidentur angulos. Est avantia eius alta tempus efficientia et saepe utilitur in productione massae. (3) Primo CNC programming is used for CNC punching. Writing the map into the content of the CNC machine tool, it can be recognized and the shape of the flat part can be molded out step by step according to the content. (4) Laser cutting is the process of cutting flat structures off a board using laser cutting.
5. The general punching process for machine tool boards includes punching angle cutting, punching material dropping, convex bag punching, punching tearing, hole extraction, etc. In order to meet the requirements of each process, corresponding molds are needed to complete the operation, such as convex molds and tearing forming molds.
6. Tapping flat and riveting
Flanging is to draw a slightly larger hole on a smaller bottom hole and then tap it to increase its strength and avoid slipping dentes. Flumens usus flumina flumina, flumina, flumina, flumina. Metodo fluentem parasti per maquinam stampionis aut maquinam fluentem hydraulicam operatur, quod in parte stampionis fluere potest.
7. Plakaların üç boyutlu sallanması
Bending is the process of cutting flat pieces in three-dimensional parts, which requires a folding bed and corresponding bending molds to complete the operation. It also has a certain bending sequence, and the principle of cutting will not interfere with the initial bending, resulting in eight. The surface treatment of the work is generally phosphating, zinc plating, chromate, painting, oxidation, etc. Pellicula phosphationis generale ad plateas frigidas et plateas electrolyticas utilizatur, et principium eius est prohibere oxidationem pelliculae protectis super materialem in taberna opus; Elektroplatio cinca multicolores saepe ad faciem trationem platearum frigidorum utilitur; Chromatium et oxidationem generale in superficie tratione platearum et profilorum aluminium utiliuntur.
Aima Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the leading professional manufacturers of precision metal parts in China, established in 2006. It mainly undertakes businesses such as CNC Machining parts, metal stamping parts, and sheet metal processing.