1,difficulties in machining the overall impeller
1. Formus impeller is ternaris integralis complexus est, et nigra eius maxime non extensibilia sunt superficies rectas twisted, quae tantum per instrumenta machinae cum quinque aut pluribus coordinatis procedere potest.
2. Spatio inter blades adjacent is universae impelleris relativamente parva est, et canal angurior in directo radiali, quando radius diminuit. Pro hoc, quando machinatur superficiem curvatae bladii impelleris, extra interferentiam inter instrumentum et gladium processitum, instrumentum est pronus interficere ad blades adjacentis.
3. A facie tenentis debilitatis omnium impellerum, deformationem elasticam plasticam est in manipulatione;
4. Multae constrainti sunt in planificatione instrumentorum, difficile facientes automaticamente interferentiam vias instrumentorum liberis generare.
2,Selection of impeller machining tools and tool holders
1. Selection of Cutting Tools
Procedentiam effectivitatem meliorem esse, consilium est ut maiores terminos pilarum utilizat machinationibus bladiis difficilis et multi bladiis milling cutters utilizat, qui effectivitatem processi meliorem potest.
In selection of tools structure types, in order to improve tool rigidity, in addition to using large-diameter tools as much as possible, it is also advisable to use tapered ball end tools as much as possible;
The selection of tool materials needs to be based on different workpiece materials to determine the material of the machining tool, whether coated tools are needed, and so on.
2. Selection of cultro handle
Formae structurae instrumentorum ad quinque instrumenta machinationis CNC in typos integrales et modularis divisae sunt. Partem agentis instrumenti integralii qui tenet instrumentum integratum est cum manu usata ad installationem et positionem in instrumento machinae. To adapt to the changes between parts and machine tools, users reserve various specifications of tool holders, so the utilization rate of tool holders is relatively low. Sistema instrumentorum modularum est system a instrumentorum relative progressa, in qua omnes tenentes instrumentos per diversa series modulorum congregabitur. Acceptante diversas assembly schemes for different processed parts and machine tools, multiple series of tools holders can be obtained, thereby improving the adaptability and utilization rate of tool holders.
The selection of tool holder structure should take into account both technical and economic rationality. The selection of impeller machining tool holders can be divided into spring-loaded chuck tool holders and side fixed tool holders. The clamping force of spring-loaded chuck tool holders is generated by the increasing force of the nut sleeve, which generates sufficient axial pushing force on the spring to achieve the clamping of the tool. This may cause the spring to loose and lead to tool dropping under high chip force. Side fixed tool holders generat lateral locking force and do not experience overcutting caused by tool looseness during the machining process.
3,Processus flow of impeller machining
The impeller machining process is divided in several machining strategies, including rough machining of the impeller, intermediate machining of the blade surface, precision machining of the blade surface, and precision machining of the runner surface. Intellectus machinae difficili est celeriter auferre vacuum allowance, quod est etiam strategia ad reflexionem efficientiae machinarum impellerum. Conspiratio machinae semi precision est faciendum super superficiem blandiae uniform is, in preparatione subsequentis machinae precision. The purpose of precision machining is to achieve good surface quality, which is closely related to the selection of cutting tools, the matching of machine speed and feed rate.
The improvement of impeller machining efficiency mainly lies in the improvement of rough machining efficiency. By using the five axis impeller rough machining mode, the five axis rough machining of the impeller can be achieved, which can achieve uniform material retention, smoother machining trajectory, and improve machining efficiency.
4,Processus flow of impeller machining
The impeller machining process is divided in several machining strategies, including rough machining of the impeller, intermediate machining of the blade surface, precision machining of the blade surface, and precision machining of the runner surface. Intellectus machinae difficili est celeriter auferre vacuum allowance, quod est etiam strategia ad reflexionem efficientiae machinarum impellerum. Conspiratio machinae semi precision est faciendum super superficiem blandiae uniform is, in preparatione subsequentis machinae precision. The purpose of precision machining is to achieve good surface quality, which is closely related to the selection of cutting tools, the matching of machine speed and feed rate.
The improvement of impeller machining efficiency mainly lies in the improvement of rough machining efficiency. By using the five axis impeller rough machining mode, the five axis rough machining of the impeller can be achieved, which can achieve uniform material retention, smoother machining trajectory, and improve machining efficiency.