Quanti nunc pretium cipsi cecidit?
Exemplo, pretium chips L9369-TR de STMicroelectronics in China circa 3500 yuan per chips anno tertio et quarto, sed nunc ad circa 670 yuan declinavit significatio.

There is also a chip model STM32F103C8T6, which was previously priced at around 200 yuan but is now only sold for 21.5 yuan, nearly one tenth of its original price.

Traitor chips dixit sufficientiam substantiam disponibilem esse, et imperium subito transferetur.
Nonne hoc malum sentitur? Nonne numquid non habemus amplius cibum? Cur crevit pretium?
Let's first talk about why there is a shortage of chips. This topic has been discussed several times in previous videos, and the reasons are multifaceted. For example, initially, some major wafer fabs experienced accidents, leading to production shutdowns and reductions. At the same time, the epidemic caused disruptions in the semiconductor supply chain, leading to the rise of remote work and online classes from home. The demand for electronic products has surged, resulting in a shortage of supply and a high demand for chips.
It is precisely because of the huge gap in chips that wafer fabs around the world are expanding and building, constantly increasing production capacity. After more than two years, chip supply has actually begun to improve. At the same time, due to the complex international situation, global demand for electronic products is gradually slowing down. In the first period, TSMC Chairman Liu Deyin publicly stated that fields such as smartphones, laptops, and televisions were all affected.
For example, according to data released by market research firm Canalys, global smartphone shipments reached 311.2 million units in the first quarter of 2022, a year-on-year decrease of 11%.
According to the latest report from Counterpoint Research, in May 2022, global mobile market sales decreased by 4% month on month and 10% year-on-year, to 96 million units. This is also the second time in 8 years that monthly mobile phone sales have fallen below 100 million units.
Similarly, in China, the situation is the same. According to a report by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the total shipment of mobile phones in the domestic market in the first quarter of this year was 69,346 million units, a year-on-year decline of 29.2%.
According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the domestic shipment of mobile phones in June was approximately 25,664 million units, a year-to-year decrease of 10.4%.
Facilitate, aliquando reportatus est quia manus telephonorum Sinensum Android manus ad proximum 170 milionem telephonorum sequebantur post 100 milionem ordinem. Markos mobiles, sicut Xiaomi, VIVO, et OPPO, informaverunt provisores suos, quod ordinem continuabunt decrere in futuris temporibus.

In addition, even the world's number one Samsung has reduced its shipment target for this year by about 10% to 275 million units.
Meanwhile, in terms of personal computers, data released by market research firm Gartner shows that the global PC market shipped 77.9 million units in the first quarter of 2022, a decrease of 6.8% compared to the first quarter of 2021.
Another factor is television sets. According to the "Monthly Global TV Brand Shipment Data Report" by Ove Rui Wo, the global TV shipment volume in the first quarter of 2022 was 44.9 million LCD TVs and 1.5 million OLED TVs, a year-on-year decrease of 6.1%, marking the third consecutive quarter of decline.

In addition, according to the "2022 Half Year Report on the Domestic Color TV Market" released by Ovei Ruiwo, the retail scale of omnichannel color TVs in China was 16.72 million units in the first half of the year, a year-on-year decrease of 6.2%.
Videtur quod vendita haec magnorum productorum electronicorum declinavit, resultat minus productionem productionis et naturalem minus petitionem chips.
Exemplo, Qualcomm reduced its orders for Snapdragon 8 chips by 10% to 15% and plans to lower the prices of older Snapdragon 8 series chips by 30% to 40% after the new Snapdragon 8 chips are shipped.

In addition, MediaTek has also reduced orders for entry level and mid-range 5G chips signed with suppliers by 30% to 35% in the fourth quarter of 2022.
In breve, cum augentia et cadentia huius tendentis, supply chips graduum excessit requiem, sic precis secundum cadit, quod solum normal est.
Certo est et imbalans in supply et demand of chips. In general, medium to low end chips have been greatly reduced, while in terms of high-end chips, a cause of the high difficulty of manufacturing processes, only a few manufacturers in the world have the ability to produce them, so the production capacity of these chips is still tight.
Furthermore, from an industry perspective, the supply pressure of automotive chips is still significant, which is also due to the rapid development of new energy vehicles. Exemplo, vehiculo tradicionalis fuel powered solum 500-600 chips requirit, cum intelligent nova energia vehiculo plus 2000 chips requirit.
Concerni hoc, Shen Hui, fundator, presidente, et CEO WM Motori, dixit, quia costa chip vehiculorum intelligentium electricorum superiora est ex packis batteriae, et tracta electricorum vehiculorum industriae a batteriis transibunt ad chips.

Moreover, Mercedes Benz CEO Kang Linsong has also stated that it is expected that the shortage of automotive chips will continue until 2023.

In breve, with the continuous changes in the supply and demand relationship of chips, the chip problems in most industries have been well alleviated. It is believed that the market will return to stability soon. However, with the continuous launch of new production capacity by major wafer fabs, the "chip shortage" in some industries may gradually evolve into a "chip panic". Regarding this issue, we also need to pay attention to it. In finem, China investit multa potentia et materia in semiconductor agro, et in praesente et futuro, solum opportunitias quaeremus in medio ad low end chip marketum, quae saturata est. Certe et hoc est via necessaria semiconductorum domus development, quoniam requis matura procedurae chips multo superest quam superfinis procedurae chips.