There are a large number of Sheet Metal Processing enterprises in China. With the continuous development of the sheet metal processing industry, competition within the industry will gradually become more intense in the future. Due to differences in sheet metal technology, processing equipment, and customer needs, sheet metal processing products vary greatly in structure and materials. Follow sheet metal cabinet processing manufacturers to learn about the different classifications of sheet metal processing? 1, materiales processae in folia frigida, folia galvanizata, coper, steel stainless (speculator, superficie brushed, superficie matte), steel carbonis et cetera secundum materiales processentes metallos varios folia. 2,Electronic devices with different thicknesses of processing materials adopt different thickness standards. Generally, the installation plates inside the cabinets of distribution cabinets and cabinets cannot be less than 2.5mm, while the standard for outdoor cabinets is generally not less than 1.5mm. 3 → Intensio produkti variatur dependente de functione eius, et elegitae materiae etiam diferentae sunt. Generale, consideratio fundatur super objectio et costum produkti. Exemplo, apparentia electronica generale faciuntur ex 304 steela stainless, quidam ex exteriis cabinetibus in principio apparentibus, brachiis et ostium panelis. Tabulae laterales ex 304 steelis inpositae sunt et plateas cincum aluminium intrinsecus installae sunt In agro automaticae, apparatus SPCC frigidas usus faciebat et superficie ferebat. Copper bars are mainly used as conductive media for distribution cabinets, while galvanized sheets are used to make reinforcing ribs, partitions, and cable trays. The thickness range of raw materials generally used is between 0.2-5.0mm, depending on customer needs. The above is a summary of the classification of sheet metal processing by sheet metal cabinet processing manufacturers. We hope it is useful to you!