1,Reason for handwheel malfunction:
1. Poor contact of handwheel shaft selection switch
2. Poor contact of handwheel magnification selection switch
3. Pulsa rotae manuum occurrit et discus vulneratur
4. Rueda manum connectionis wire fracta est
1. Introdue diagnosticum systemae et observa condicionem correspondentem connexionis seleccionis axis (condicionem wires connexionis intacti est). Si vulnerata est, substitue illum
The switch can solve the problem
2. Introducite systemam diagnosticae et observate condicionem correspondentem connexionis magnification is (condicionem telae connexionis intacti est). Si vulnerata est, substitue illum
The switch can solve the problem
3. Remove the pulse disk and measure whether the power supply is normal, and whether the resistance between+and A,+and B is normal. Si damno
4. Introducite diagnosticum systemae et observate correspondentes conditiones cunctae commutationis. Furthermore, mensura commutationem asses, commutationem magnificationis et pulsum
Estne contacti wires connectibus inter plateas punch connectibus ad correspondentes punctos terminorum systemae ingressae apertis aut clausae? Si fractae sunt, substituentur.

2,causas of errors in X, Y, Z axes and spindle housing:
1. The protective cover is deformed and damaged
2. The Y-axis and Z-axis transmission bearings are damaged
3. Parametri servitorum non iuxta characteres mecanicas.
4. Connexio inter motorum et caput scintium deformitur, cum axis diversis
5. The upper and lower guide rails of the heavy hammer inside the column are loose and offset
6. Wear and vibration of column hammer chain and guide wheel
7. The shaft pulley is not parallel to the motor end pulley
8. Cissina spindalum vulnerata est et deformata est
1. Protective cover sheet metal return
2. Check the shaft main and negative positioning bearings, determine which end of the bearing is damaged, and replace it
3. Adjust the servo parameters to match the machinery. (Servo gain, resonance suppression, load inertia)
4. Recalibra positionem connectorum aut replace connectorum
5. Correct the guide rail and lubricate it with butter
6. Examine vestimentum catenis et rotae ducentis, corrigite balansem mallorum gravis, et lubricate illum butyro
7. Paralelisme inter duas pulleys et calibrate dynamic balance instrumentum
8. Examine deformationem et contritionem magnam lumbos, substitue illum, purificate lumbos, et adjuste firmitatem lumbos.
3,Reason for malfunction of guide rail pump and cutting oil pump:
1. Insufficient oil level in the guide rail oil pump
2. The oil pressure valve of the guide rail pump is damaged
3. circuitus olei instrumenti machinae detrahitur
4. The filter screen of the guide rail pump core is blocked
5. Qualitate olei curriculae condicionis emita a cliente excessit standard
6. Incorrect oil injection time setting for guide rail oil pump
7. Circuit fractor in cista electrica electrica de pumpa petrolei succidit
8. Air leakage at the cutting oil pump joint
9. Valva universa pumpa olei secentis detrahetur
10. Short circuit of cutting oil pump motor coil
11. Motor pumpa olei contra orientem sequente
1. Inject guide rail oil
2. Verifica si valve pressionem olei non habet sufficientem pressionem, et substitue illum si vulneratur
3. Examine utrum circuitus olei unicuius asses instrumenti non extruxentur, fracti sunt, et utrum fluxus olei contriti sunt. Replace if damaged
4. Exportare ecran filtratoris olei
5. Replace the qualified guide rail oil that meets the requirements of the oil pump
6. Rehabilita tempore olei rectum
7. After checking whether the guide rail oil pump is intact, reset the short circuit again
8. Find the leaking joint and reconnect it
9. Examine si valvas universae viae blocavit aut detrahitur, et substitue illum si detrahitur
10. Replace the cutting oil pump motor by testing the motor coil
11. Correct the direction of the cutting oil pump motor
4,Reason for processing failure:
1. Incorrect compensation for the reverse clearance of X, Y and Z axes
2. Lingua maxima X, Y et Z dissoluta sunt
3. The X Y Z bearings are damaged
4. Mechanical geometric accuracy deviation of the aircraft body
5. Movement Axial and radial of the main shaft
6. Improper adjustment of system servo parameters and processing parameters
7. Customer programming error
8. Wear of X, Y and Z axis screws and nuts
1. Correct calibration dial gauge with reverse clearance
2. Adjuste the tightness of each axis main strip and observe the system load to adjust it to the optimal state
3. Examine conditionem portantium et substitue illos si damno
4. Use a marble angle ruler and a golf club to measure the geometric accuracy of each item, such as deviation correction
5. Repete accuracionem rotae spinae interioris et purificationem moti spinae portantis. Si reparare non potest, substitue illum
6. Adjuste the servo position loop, speed loop gain, load inertia ratio, machining accuracy coefficient, acceleration and deceleration time constant
7. Optimiza et adjusta proceduras programmationis
8. Usa a laser interferometer to compensate for the gap between the lead screws
5,Reason for loose blade malfunction:
1. Solventus culter solenoid valve detrimatus est
2. Cylindrum circumferentem spindle contaminatum est
3. Damaged spindle spring plate
4. Pantula spindle contritia est
5. Insufficient customer gas supply
6. Poor contact of the loosening cultro button
7. Line breakage
8. Poculo olei cylindri cultris breve oleo est
9. Lingua Latina accipientis non convenit specificationibus necessariis
1. Examine operationem valvae solenoid et substitue illum si vulneratur
2. Examine actionem cylindri cultris, replace it if it is damaged
3. Examine gradum damnationis fonti et substitue illum
4. Examine si claus spindle intactus est, vulneratus aut vermitus, et substitue illum
5. Examine gradum damnationis button et substitue illum si vulneratur
6. Verifica si circuit fracta est
7. implete calicem olei cylindri cultris oleo
8. Installa secundum latinam standard
6,Reason why the machine tool cannot return to zero:
1. Contact of the origin switch is stuck and cannot move
2. Bloc originis non potest pressere originem ad positionem commutationis actionis
3. Ingressus aquae in origine commutatur pauperem contactum inter commutatos contactos
4. The origin switch circuit is disconnected or the input signal source is error
5. PLC ingressus punctus extinguit
1. Clean the stuck area to ensure smooth movement of its moving parts, or replace the travel switch
2. Adjust the installation position of the travel switch so that the zero point switch contact can be smoothly pressed to the switch action position by the stopper
3. Replace the travel switch and take water proof measures
4. Verifica si circuits apertae aut breve in circuitu conversationis sunt, et si fuerit fontes signal a (+24V DC supply)
5. Replace the input points on the I/O board, set the parameters and modify the PLC program
7 , Under normal circumstances, the positive and negative limit alarm of the machine tool does not occurre. It may occur when operating the machine tool before returning to zero, as the system does not return to zero.
Non est systema coordinatae mechanicae fixa sed positio arbitrarius, et limita softa invalida est, ita necesse est reverti ad nullum antequam instrumentum machinae operatur
1. Contact of the travel switch is pressed and stuck (over travel)
2. Viatio commutata est
3. Circus apertus est, circuit breve, et nulla fonte signala in circuitu interiora
4. Bloc limiti non potest conmutare contactum ad positionem actionis
5. PLC ingressus punctus extinguit
1. Manually or manually shake the handwheel away from the safe position, or clean the switch contacts
2. Replace the travel switch
3. Verifica si circuit breve in circuitu viae est. Si circuit breve est, reprocess a. Check the signal source (+24V DC power supply)
4. Adjust the installation position of the travel switch so that it can be pressed on the switch contact normally to the action position
5. Replace the input points on the I/O board and make parameters, modify the PLC program
8,Reason for tool change malfunction:
1. Insufficient air pressure
2. Poor contact or open circuit of the loose knife button
3. Loose knife button PLC input address point burned out or no signal source (+24V)
4. Serbest bıçak relasyonu çalışmıyor.
5. Solventus culter solenoid vallis detrahitur
6. Insufficient cutting amount
7. Poculo olei cylindri cultri breve olei est
8. Malfunctione cylindra pulvere
1. Check the air pressure until it reaches 6 kilograms plus or minus 1 kilogram
2. Replace the switch or check the circuit
3. Replace the PLC input port on the I/O board or check the PLC input signal source, modify the PLC program
4. Examine presence/absence signorum output PLC, si portus output PLC extinguitus est, et modificare programam PLC
5. Si coila solenoida conburetur et substituetur, et corpus vallis solenoid effundet aerem aut piston non movet, substitue corpus vallis
6. Adjuste the cutting amount to ensure smooth loosening of the blade
7. Add hydraulic oil to the cutting cylinder oil cup
Si arbores in cylindro cultro liberi sunt aut fluxerunt, rursum adhesiti sunt et signaculum in cylindro corpore substituetur.
Si reparetur non potest, replace the culter cylinder
9,Reason for abnormal sound during three-axis operation:
1. Malfunction portans
2. The screw busbar and guide rail are unbalanced
3. Sever wear of the wear-resistant plate leads to severe scratches on the guide rail
4. Mismatched servo motor gain
1. Replace the bearing
2. Correct the lead screw busbar
3. Attende pallium resistentem, et si pulveris gravi scissa est, reprocessa oportet.
4. Adjust the servo gain parameters to match the mechanical specifications
10,Reason for lubrication failure:
1. The lubrication pump oil tank is short of oil
2. Labrikasio pump a brevi oleo tempus habet
3. The pressure relief mechanism of the lubrication pump releases pressure too quickly
4. Est fluxus olei in pipe olei et circuitu olei
5. Valva universa in circuitu olei non operatur
6. Damaged oil pump motor
7. The control circuit board of the lubrication pump is damaged
1. Add lubricating oil to the upper limit line position
2. Adjuste the oil time to 32 minutes and oil for 16 seconds
Si velocitas caligabile pressione adjusta potest, altera oportet si adjusta non potest
4. Check the oil pipe and oil circuit interface and handle it properly
5. Replace the one-way valve
6. Replace the lubrication pump
7. Replace the control circuit board
Si in emergencia situatio, force M64S to 1A and E60 to 32 in diagnosis I/F, and the machine tool can temporarily work
The program cannot be transmitted, resulting in alarms P460, P461, and P462. Countermeasures:
1. Check for any open circuits or virtual soldering in the transmission line, and ensure that the plug is properly inserted
2. Parametri in latere software transmissionis computatorium consistent cum illis in latere instrumentorum machinae
3. Replace the computer and try to transfer
4. Is the grounding stable
12,Reason for knife magazine problem:
1. Subito cessa dum processus mutationis instrumentorum, non potest continuare mutationes instrumentorum
2. Conical hat style knife magazine cannot come out
3. Noli excusare cultrum durante processum mutationis instrumentorum
4. Corpus rotare non potest
5. Subito rotatio cortinae reversa facit dimidiam cultris positionem
6. Cum cultrum commutaverit, adnuntiaverit errores liberos aut teneros cultris.
Reversione instrumentum in replacio procedentibus vox magna est in latere spinalii
8. Post replacionem spindle pro installatione instrumenti non potest usare (abnormale dissolutione instrumenti)
1. Is the air pressure sufficient (6 kilograms)
2. Examine si revertitus signum revisionis instrumentorum est in loco, et si aliquid egressus est de circuitu electromagnetic et PLC ad introitum et exitum de revisione instrumentorum
3. Adjust the cutting amount and check if there is water accumulation in the cutting cylinder body
4. When the cutterhead rotates after coming out, check for any open circuit in the power cord of the magazine motor, and any damage to the contacts or relays
5. Mechanis fracturae motor is cultris magazineis liberis est et normale fractura non potest
6. Examine pressionem aeris, si cylindrum perfectum activatum est (si accumulatio aquae est), et si solutionem commutationem in loco pulsatum est, sed non multum (assumptione solum introitum signorum esse)
7. Adjuste the cutting amount;
8. Modify the tool change program (macro program O9999)
13,Reason for machine tool not being able to power on:
1. Poor three-phase contact or damaged switch of the main power switch
2. Operatio panelis non potest activari
1. Replace the main power switch
2. Check
A. Does the switch power supply have voltage output (+24V)
B. Power on switch of the system has poor contact, and the power off is disconnected
C. System's power on relay has poor contact and cannot self lock
D. Line break
E. Drive power on AC contact, system power on relay error
F. Is the circuit breaker tripping
G. Estne systema bene operatur? Estne preparatio completa an Z-axis driver detrahetur? Estne virtus automatica in output signorum
14 , pumpa aquae frigidae malfunctione 1. Verifica si pumpa aquae exburata est
2. Is the power phase sequence reversed
3. Check for burnt communication contacts and relays
15 , Blowing fault 1. Check if the solenoid valve is operating
2. Check if the blowing relay is activated
3. Estne signi ab botonibus panelis et interfectis PLC output