Hodie de tres manibus loquar ad arbitrandum caulium precisiorum.
First type is hinge hole.
Reaming: First drill a pre drilled hole, leaving some margin, and then use a reamer to drill.
Haec methodo simplex et relative celeriter est. Suspende, machina commutata iuxta eam dixit: "Quid, quid, semper, te semper metus, sober, tu custodes cultrum pulverem." Post dicendum illud, vadi ad supervisorem et clamavi. Post auditum supervisor, abii. apparuit, quod non fecerim quicquam multo tempore, et emotiones meae venerunt et abierunt, quae me patiebat.
Quid est opus. Nolite rumores expandere. Si machina bona est, rumores hinge primum usabuntur.
It can process small holes ranging from 2mm to 10mm, which is more suitable for use. However, the specifications of hinges on the market are far from this. The commonly used ones are 4 with plus or minus 2 'c', 6 with plus or minus 2 'c', and 8 with plus or minus 2 'c', which is too simple.
Marjina nimis relinquere non potest, 0.1 in unam latere est perfectissima. Exemplo, quasi 4mm unum, incipiamus 3.8mm unum. OK。
Flumen, velocitas, et uniformitate pertinentiae foveae in aliquid magnitudinis foveae, et in operatione praeceptae, adequate adjustum est. Utrum G01 et G81 ad creandum utili potest.

Secunda tipa. Pelles mollentes in duas typos divisae sunt.
unus in form a anguli luci et alter in forma altitudinis aequali
Hoc facile intellegere est. Primo, facite robustum secere in mare, et tunc facite planctum secere. Nonne simpliciter est.
Formula anguli vero pulcherrima requirit. Sine cultro pulcherrima, potest tenere. Si superiora qualificata fuerit, inferior defecet.
As for the form of equal height, the swing of the culter should not be too large, which can be ignored. If it rotates like a broom, it cannot be thrown. The form of equal height can solve the problem of taper, but it increases time and tool wear.
Suitabile est pro manipulatione magnorum holarum a 3 mm usque 25mm, cum profunditate quae nimis profunda dependat de situatione.
When some machines process small holes, their movements make the machine tremble, so that they can only moderately reduce the feed rate.
Hoc duo typi conjunction cum G41D utili sunt facile debuta.

Tertia tipa. Boring hole
Boring also requires rough cutting, leaving enough space, and then using a boring tool for precision machining. Here, a special tool, a boring tool, is needed. If you don't know what it looks, you can go and read my article, where I have introduced it.
Boring holes are suitable for processing larger holes, with a maximum of 16 and above, and I have seen the highest limit of 398. The depth can be ignored, but it depends on the condition of the tool. The smoothness and perpendicularity of the holes processed by boring holes are guaranteed, and can be controlled at around 1 c. They are relatively dense and can be used in conjunction with a pendulum to adjust the tool to achieve machining accuracy. G76 ad processandum hic recommendamus.

Bueno, hoc est pro parte hodie. Tempore calefacet, ita omnes vos custodite te et bibite multam aquae.
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