Sheet metal cutting is an important process for forming sheet metal products. It includes traditional methods and process parameters such as cutting, punching, and bending forming, as well as various cold stamping die structures and process parameters, equipment working principles and operating methods, and new stamping technologies and processes.
For any sheet metal part, there is a certain processing process, also known as the process flow. With the differences in the structure of the sheet metal part, the process flow may vary, but in general it does not exceed the following points.
1. Design and draw a part diagram of its sheet metal parts, also known as a three view diagram. Its function is to express the structure of its sheet metal parts in the form of drawings

2. Çeviri a çık bir diagrammu çiz. Bu, kompleks bir komponenti bir parça açıl.
3. Secere. Multae modi sunt ad succidendum materiae, prima inclusione sequentibus:
a. Cutting machine cutting. It is the process of using a cutting machine to cut out the dimensions of the unfolded shape, length, and width. If there are punching or corner cutting, it is then combined with a punching machine and a mold to form the shape
b. Punch cutting is the process of using a punch press to form a flat plate structure by opening parts on a sheet metal in one or more steps. Its advantages include short labor consumption, high efficiency, and reduced processing costs. It is often used in mass production.
c. NC numerical control cutting Cum materiales in NC secant, primus gradus est scribere programmam machinae CNC. Ut est software programmationis ut scribere diagramam absconditum in programmam quam ab machina NC CNC cognoscere potest. Hac programmas per gradum in plate a ferrea sequere ut formam strukturam plateae suae placuit.
d. Laser cutus est utilis laser cutus ut sequitur formam plateae aeneae in plate a ferrea
4. Flanging and tapping. Flanging, also known as hole drawing, is the process of drawing a slightly larger hole from a smaller base hole and then tapping it on the hole. This can increase its strength and avoid slipping. It is generally used for Sheet Metal Processing with relatively thin plate thickness. When the plate thickness is large, such as 2.0, 2.5, etc., we can directly tap it without flanging
5. Punch processing. Generally, punch processing includes punching and corner cutting, punching and material dropping, punching and convex hull, punching and tearing, hole drawing, and other processing methods to achieve the processing purpose. The processing requires corresponding molds to complete the operation. For punching convex hull, there are convex hull molds, and for punching and tearing, there are tearing forming molds
6. Riveting. Concerne fabrica nostra, saepe fluentes boltas, fluentes nuces, fluentes scissores, etc. usus fluunt ad lapidandum partes metallos per punching machines aut hydraulic riveting machines.
7. Bending. Bending is the process of folding 2D flat parts into 3D parts. Its processing requires a folding machine and corresponding bending molds to complete the operation. It also has a certain bending sequence, and the principle is to fold the next one that does not interfere first, and fold the one that interferes later
8. Welding. Welding is the process of assembling multiple parts together to achieve the purpose of processing or welding the edges of individual parts to increase their strength. There are generally several processing methods, such as CO2 gas shielded welding, argon arc welding, spot welding, robot welding, etc. The selection of these welding methods depends on actual requirements and materials. Generally, CO2 gas shielded welding is used for welding iron plates; Arctura argonis fermentum aluminium ferentibus est Robot welding is mainly used when the workpiece is large and the weld seam is long. For example, for cabinet welding, robot welding can be used to save a lot of task time, improve work efficiency and welding quality
9. Trepta superficie. Pellicula phosphatica generale includet, electroplating multicolored zinc, chromate, baking paint, oxidation, etc. Pellicula Phosphating generale ad plateas frigidas et plateas electrolyticas utilitur, et optimum eius est pelliculam protectilem in superficie materiae ut prohibere oxidationem; In addition, it can enhance the adhesion of its baking painting. Electroplating multicolored zinc is generally treated with cold rolled sheets surface; Chromatium et oxidationem generale in superficie tratione platearum et profilorum aluminium utiliuntur; Metodo superficie tractionis secundum praecepta eius elegitur
10. Assembly refert to collecting multiple parts or components in a certain way to form a complete product. Unum est ad custodiam componentum protegum, quod non debet scrutari aut detrahere. Assembla est final gradus completionis component is, et si componentem propter scrutationes aut detrahendum non potest utilizat, redditur, quod multum tempore processionis dissipabit et producet costum componentis. Dahil, attention specialis ad protegum componentis redditur.