Compositio cost is parterum pulsavorum generis in sequentibus partes divisa est: 1 Materiale costa 2 Componente standard constat 3 Processis fermentum 4 Packaging fee 5 Transportation fee 6. Management fee 7 profitum
Below is a detailed understanding of the composition of these expenses
Analysis of Cost Composition of Stamping Parts
1 , Material Costa
Material cost refers to the net material cost as required by the drawings=material volume * material density * material unit price.
Referet costum elementorum standardisorum, quas a drawingis necessari sunt.
3,Process processing fee
Refers to the processing cost required for each process required to produce a product. The composition of each process is detailed in the "Cost Accounting Format" and "Cost Composition Table of Each Process". List the main process cost components for explanation:
1. CNC material cutting
Its cost composition=equipment depreciation and amortization+labor costs+auxiliary materials
Equipment depreciation and amortisation:
Equipmenta depreciatio est plus 5 annos, cum 12 mensibus anni, 22 dies in mense, et 8 horas in die.
For example, for a device worth 2 million yuan, the depreciation rate per hour is 200 * 10000/5/12/22/8=189.4 yuan/hour
Labor costa:
Each CNC requires 3 technicians to operate, with an average monthly salary of 1800 yuan per technician. They work 22 days a month for 8 hours a day, resulting in an hourly cost of 1800 * 3/22/8=31 yuan/hour
Materiale auxiliaria costa:
Refers to the auxiliary production materials such as lubricants and volatile liquids required for equipment operation. Each equipment requires approximately 1000 yuan per month. Calculated based on 22 days per month and 8 hours per day, the hourly cost is 1000/22/8=5.68 yuan/hour

2. Bending
Its cost composition=equipment depreciation and amortization+labor costs+auxiliary materials
Equipment depreciation and amortisation:
Equipmenta depreciatio est plus 5 annos, cum 12 mensibus anni, 22 dies in mense, et 8 horas in die.
For example, for equipment worth 500000 yuan, the depreciation rate per minute is 50 * 10000/5/12/22/8/60=0.79 yuan/minute
Conductione bend a normale 10 usque 100 secundas accipit, ergo depressio equipentium per singulos bendus est 0.13-1.3 yuan/pass.
Labor costa:
Each device requires one technician to operate, with the average monthly salary of 1800 yuan per technician. They work 22 days in month for 8 hours each day, resulting in a cost per minute of 1800/22/8/60=0.17 yuan/minute. On average, they can bend 1-2 turns per minute. Therefore, the labor cost for each turn is 0.08-0.17 yuan/turn
Materiale auxiliaria costa:
Costa materiarum auxiliarum per mensem pro singula machina bending est 600 yuan. Calculata based on 22 days per mense et 8 hours per die, costa horatis 600/22/8/60=0.06 yuan/pass est
3. Surface treatment
Outsourced according to the purchase price (such as electroplating, oxidation)
Compositio costis sprayi:
Spray coating cost=powder material cost+labor cost+auxiliary material cost+equipment depreciation
Powder material cost: The calculation method is generally based on square meters, and the price per kilogram of powder ranges from 25-60 yuan (mainly related to customer requirements). Generally, 4-5 square meters can be sprayed per kilogram of powder.
Powder material costa=6-15 yuan/square meter
Labor cost a: totum quinque homines in linea sprayionis sunt, cum singulis hominis 1200 yuan per mensem, 22 dies per mensem, 8 horas per dies, et area sprayionis 30 metros quadraticos per horam.
Labor costa=15 * 1200/22/8/30=3.4 yuan/square meter
Costa materiae auxiliaria: prima referit ad carnem liquidi et fornacii currantis ante trationem, quæ est 50000 yuan per mensem. 22 dies in mense, 8 horas in die, 30 metros quadraticos per horam cargatur.
Materiale auxiliari costa=9,47 yuan/square meter
Equipment depreciation: The investment in the spraying line is 1 million yuan, depreciated over 5 years, in December each year, 22 days per month, 8 hours per day, spraying 30 square meters per hour.
Equipment depreciation costa est 100 * 10000/5/12/22/8/30=3.16 yuan/square meter
Total cost of spraying is 22-32 yuan/square meter
Si partial proteccio requirit, pretium maior erit.
4,Packaging fee
According to different products, packaging requirements and prices vary, generally ranging from 20-30 yuan/cubic meter.

Costa transportation is produkto distributa est.
6,Management expenses
Duas partes ad praepositionem expensas sunt: fabrica condicio, utilitas, et costas financiae
Factorium conditus aquae et electricae:
Quod mensis condere aquam et electricam ex fabrica est 150000 yuan, et montanis output valor 4 miliones yuan calculatur. proportio aquae et electriciae ex fabrica ad output valor est 1,75% (15/400)
Expendita financica:
A causa mismatch in accounts receivable and payable cycles (we buy materials with money and customers settle monthly within 60 days), we need to hold down funds for at least 3 months at a bank interest rate of 1.25-1.5%.
Pro hoc expendita administracionis quasi 5% ex universo venditate pretio debet.
7, Profit
Considering the long-term development of the company and better customer service, set a reasonable profit margin, such as 10% -15%.
The above 7 points are the main costs that make up the product, for reference only.
Metodo calculi quotationis calculi
Costa fabricationis metallis lapidis calculata est based on the operation time:
Laser cutting costs 8RMB/Min, with each small hole calculated at 1RMB
Numerical Control Pricing 5RMB/Min
CNC bending pricing is 1 RMB per later, double for larger sides
Calculatio frigidae calculi septuaginta RMB per diem, cum 50KG per diem quasi benchmark
Metodos calculi supra alta qualitate comprehensiva et prudentia industriae tendentium opus faciunt, sed difficile sunt operari.
The following sheet metal calculations are empirical formulas that do not consider manufacturing processes:
Material price=kilograms of unfolded material x market material price
Processing fee calculation: excluding process, taxes, management fees, and shipping costs
Calculatio tabulatorum: 3200RMB/T platea calidantis fertilis t=2.0 1804-m gradus 7 IT7
Costa operantis frigida: 8.0-8.4RMB/KG, cum laboribus plus 50KG per opus producentes.
Opus frigidus includit sequentes: rotae concidientes, machinas vectes, machinas ferentes veteriores, flammae piercing, veteriores ferentes, et ex 7.2 usque 7.5 RMB/KG.
Sub processionem coefficient is bases 1 est.

Outourcing cost for CNC cutting, CNC punching, CNC bending, and CO2 shield welding is taken as a coefficient of 2.5-3.5, and the coefficient is taken into account based on the number of processes and complexity.
Laser cutting is twice as fast as punching:
When the sheet metal is not equal to 2, the processing cost is calculated as equal to 2
When the sheet metal is less than 1.2, the processing cost is multiplied by 2.5~3.5
Quando mercatus materiae fluctus est, fundus processionis inmutatus est.
Si fabricatio metalla folia absque fermento congregata est, coefficientem numerationis multiplicabitur 0,75~0.85, saepe maximum valorem accipit.
Quando nivel tolerantiae usque ad 1804-f augetur, multiplicate coefficientem numerationis per 1.5~2;
Cum partibus deburrentibus et procedentibus blontibus exercuerunt, multiplicate coefficientem numerationis per 1.1~1.5;
Preces superficie ferens est RMB/m2 20-30;
Prius processionis pingae tertiae graduum superficie 15-20 RMB/m2 est;
qui enim habent speciosas necessitates et difficultates in fabricatione et processione oportet considerare numerum fructus et multiplicare coefficientem fructus
Prienta supra est precio standard, quod significat, si numerus est intra 3%, profitus est quasi 28% -35%. Post deductionem taxarum, profitus est circa 18% -23%. Si est requisum pro profito, correspondentia multiplicatorum in pretio addetur, quod non minus quam 1,75.