Next, the editor from Yiwei will introduce the inspection standards for Metal Stamping parts.

1. Part Inspection Guide (Standard) Book
Partes metallicorum simplices inspicere potest comparare variis dimensionibus markentibus in drawingibus, secuti per usum diversorum instrumentorum mensurae, quales mensuras tapetarum, caliperos, et cessare et abierunt. Also, pay attention to some important tolerances marked on the drawing and ensure that the tolerance range is consistent with the drawing. Procedentibus enim altis precisiis necessitatibus tolerantiae strictis sunt.
2. Exemplo partibus metallorum
For some parts without gauges but with complex shapes that can't be expressed in two-dimensional drawings. Testem quadraticum circuli utilizat potes. The signboard is a very intuitive reference, which can indicate whether the structure is qualified, surface treatment and batch sharpness.
3. Excellent materials for metal stamping parts
The adaptability of metal stamping materials to stamping processes becomes the stamping forming performance of sheet metal, including fracture resistance, mold adhesion, and formability.
1) Resistentia fracturae refert ad capacitatem fissurum materiae resistere interrupturam, generale mensuram per parametros, quales formare limitum;
2) Pastabilitāte referit ad capacitatem metallis lapidis ad conplendum consistentiam cum forma mollis dum pulsere et formare;
3) Crystallisation refert ad capacitatem componentis ut formam originalem suam in mold a post dissipationem servaret. It is obvious that the greater the forming limit, the better the adhesion and formability of the material, and the better the stamping performance of the material.
4. Special inspection tool for metal stamping parts
Instrumenta inspectionis specializata pro partibus stampionis metallorum basentur super situationem actionis partium et utilitatem proficientiam requirant.
The above are the inspection standards for metal stamping parts. For products with extremely high requirements, Yiwei Precision has specially developed automated visual inspection equipment for quality inspection. Automatatis inspectionis apparatus visualis 100% inspectionis super produktos potest, et camera interior alta resolucio dedicata inspecti potest produktos de diversis dimensionibus ut determinare si compliant standards. Haec caput maxima detectionis effectivitatis attingere potest, cum 100% reliabilitatem qualitatis componentis assecurare.