Numerical control milling machines are very common in machining production. Due the development of numerical control equipment, the quality and efficiency of production have been improved to a certain extent, and they are better used in production. Therefore, more and more mechanical processing enterprises attach importance to numerical milling machining and widely use it in the field of metal processing. So what are the classifications of familiar processing? Quid est tabula quotation is classificationis numericae processionis?

1. CNC milling machine
(1) Simplified CNC milling machine: A CNC milling machine formed by modifying a ordinary milling machine and adding a simplified CNC system. Minus pretium, pauperem automationem et functionem, et minimam precionem. Licetur ad machinationem curvae plantarum et speluncam plantarum.
(2) Ordinary CNC milling machine: works with three coordinate linkage, and has great potential for processing various complex flat, curved, and shell parts.
2. CNC copying milling machine
CNC profile milling machines are mainly used to process various complex cavity molds or workpieces, and have better processing effects for some difficult irregular three-dimensional surfaces and workpieces composed of complex boundaries.
3. CNC tool milling machine
Machina CNC militiae machinae est typus militiae quae formatur per modificationem systemae transmission is mechanicae instrumenti machinae et systemam CNC additionem super maquinam militiae regularis. Mainly used for processing various fixtures, cutting tools, and complex flat and curved parts.
Multi modi sunt ad computandum costum computationis machinarum CNC milling, et computatio horarum operantium est method maximus utilis et simplissimus in productione.
1. Calculatio horarum opus: Generalis, machinas CNC milling costaverunt circa 60 yuan/horam pro processione. Si difficile est processio, et pretium crescet.
2. Calculatio Equipmentorum: Quanto altior precision et scala equipationum utilis, quanto carior costa processionis. Usually 30/hour -100 yuan/hour. sed propter varias pretiosas in diversis regionibus aliud autem differentur
3. Precisitatem procedentem: Quanto altior accuractio operationis equipentiae, quanto pretiosior costa eius, et correspondentia, quanto altior merces processionis eius.
4. Perfectus machinae: CNC milling ordinaris, milling high-speed, 3+2 CNC milling, quinque axis CNC milling, cum precibus differentibus. Exemplo, militiae alta velocitatis est circa 100 horam, et radix normal is quinque axis circa 300/horam est.
In addition to the specific quotation methods, multiple aspects need to be considered when making a quotation: raw material costs (settled based on raw materials), heat treatment costs, heat treatment costs, surface treatment and pretreatment costs, mechanical processing costs, a multi-aspect costs (settled based on the required machining hours of the process flow), outsourcing processing costs, a non-destructioning and non-destructive testing, a non-destructive testing and other costs, reasonable, reasonable profita, reasonable allocation of mold costs, reasonable allocation of various management costs, freight and taxes.