Methodus initoris ad programmandum instrumentorum CNC machinarum est analyzar proceduram, traxere viam cutationis, constituere systemam coordinatarum, etiqueta coordinatarum, et scribere programmam secundum formatum.
Programmationes et gradus CNC lathes
Numerical control machine programming course is a comprehensive professional course in the field of numerical control. It requires students not only to understand the program, but also to be able to manually write machining programs for simple parts. Getting started with programming is difficult, but once you start, it becomes a little easier. Metodos programationis summarizentur sicut:
1,Analyze part drawings and determine the machining process
Analyze the material, shape, size, accuracy, blank shape, and heat treatment requirements of the parts, determine the correct machining method, positioning and clamping, machining sequence, tools and cutting parameters used, and formulate the machining process. Haec scena est vitas parte numerical control programmationis. Its main purpose is to determine the process route, cutting parameters, and workpiece positioning, clamping, etc. of CNC Machining. Primo divisione machinatorium CNC est, sicut facies machinatorium finis, circulos exteriores machinatorium, pulsationem, cutationem et cetera. Secundo, seleccio instrumentorum secendi ratione facere debet; Sequente est ordinem sequentiae procedentis, quam requirit ut in determinatione procedentis, via machinae breviae esse, frequentia fermentorum et instrumentorum variationis redundare debet, et functiones instrumenti CNC machinae utilizatur ad securos, fidelis et efficientes machinas.
Percursus cutationis refert ad trajectorium motionis et directum positionis cutationis instrumenti relative ad arborem in processo machinationis. Non solum contento graduum includet, sed etiam sequentiam graduum reflexit. When arranging precision machining processes that can be performed with one or multiple cuts, the final contour of the part should be continuously machined with the last cut. At this point, the advance and retreat positions of the machining tool should be carefully considered, and it is advisable not to arrange cutting personnel, cutting out or changing tools, or pausing in continuous contours, in order to avoid elastic deformation caused by sudden changes in cutting force, resulting in surface scratches, shape changes, or stuck tool marks on smooth connecting contours.

2,Calculatio numerica
Calculate the coordinate values of the motion trajectory based on the size requirements of the parts, the machining route, and the set coordinate system. For simple parts composed of arcs and lines, it is only required to calculate the coordinates of the intersection or tangent points of each geometric element on the contour of the part, and obtain the coordinate values of the starting point, ending point, and arc center of each geometric element. Si systema CNC non habet functionem compensationis instrumentorum, trajectorium motionis positionis instrumentorum etiam calculum est. For complex parts composed of non-circular curves, a fact that CNC machines usually have only linear and planar arc interpolation functions, only branch line segments or arc segment approximation methods can be used for machining. At this time, the coordinate values of the intersection point (i.e. node) between the approximation line segment and the processed curve need to be calculated.
For simple planar motion trajectories, the calculation of the coordinate values of each geometric element is often done manually. For motion trajectories that are very complex or three-dimensional, the calculation of coordinate values is often done with the help of computers. For CNC machined parts, to facilitate programming and coordinate dimensions, it is best to annotate the dimensions from a reference point, and provide the relevant coordinate dimensions directly. Using absolute programming, the coordinate values can be directly seen from the graph. Si non, melius est mutare annotationem.

3,Write a program sheet
Based on the calculated motion trajectory coordinates and the determined machining sequence, tool number, cutting parameters, and auxiliary actions, write the machining program sheet segment by segment according to the specified instruction code and program format. cum scripsissent programmas, attention facere eos simplicem, convenientem et intuitionem. When establishing a workpiece coordinate system, CNC lathes generally set the program origin on the right end face of the workpiece. The CNC machining program consists of a series of programs segments, which in turn are composed of instruction words.
Prius programmatione, primum est intellegere formatum principis segmentorum, formatum, functionem, et propositum instruktionum usum utilium. Facet, non sunt multae instruktiones principes processionis, quales G00, G01, G02, G03, etc. Secundo, cessa processionis determinabitur, et coherentia punctis in via magis posibilis marcabitur, ita non facile viare in programmatione; Then write the program sheet. Programma numerus - program content - program end.