With the advancement and development of technology, more and more labor-intensive production enterprises are gradually realizing mechanized production, and more and more production processes are replaced by CNC lathes for manual production and processing. So how should manufacturing companies choose CNC lathes? Quomodo ad productorem CNC lathe ire cum CNC lathe elegere? Haec proba est et caput dolor multis procurentibus in fabricationibus.
Cum CNC lathes emit et CNC lathe fabricatores selecto, sequentes punctos notabuntur:
1. Selection of parameters for CNC lathes. Primo, antequam lathe CNC emit, necesse est determinare ex principibus parametros lathe CNC. There are relatively many main parameters of a CNC lathe, such as the turning diameter, machining diameter, machining length, number of tool holder positions, main motor power, CNC lathe system configuration, lathe positioning and repeat positioning accuracy, and so on. Users need to determine the specifications and models for purchasing a CNC lathe based on the length, diameter, and other parameters of the parts they are processing, and compare them with the main parameters of the CNC lathe. It should be noted that when determining the main parameters and specifications of the CNC lathe, it must be able to meet their own processing needs and leave a margin.
2. Selection of CNC lathe system. Quando systemam CNC lathe elegit, plures factores considerantur, quasi precisa, pretium et facile operationis. In precision, in recent years, the majority of CNC lathe manufacturers have used servo CNC systems with high precision. In terms of price, there may be differences in the prices of different brand systems and CNC lathe manufacturers' systems. Generally, imported systems are more expensive than domestic ones, and currently domestic ones are also good. In operibus, si antequam signum CNC utilisses et utilis adhuc bonus est, cum iterum CNC lathe emptis, ipsum signum CNC systemae eligere, quod tempus ut alios sistemas disceret reducere potest.
3. Utrum apparentia et sonitus claudicae CNC considerabitur. The fully protected CNC lathe has high appearance safety performance and good leak proof and anti-seepage performance for various types of oil and water. Minimum sonitum CNC lathe, melior. Nequamquam instrumentum machinae elegitis, manum utilis sequeris ut operaretur, utilizat, et conservatis ut vitam servitutis CNC lathe extenderet.
After discussing so many points to consider when choosing CNC lathe products, it is actually very important to choose a CNC lathe manufacturer. Selecting a manufacturer for purchasing CNC lathe products, the first thing to consider is the strength of the CNC lathe manufacturer and whether they have a very comprehensive after-sales service.