I want to make the cold extrusion process more perfect, not just because I understand molds! Design of cold extrusion processing molds is only the first step, but of course, this step is also particularly important! Si design fabrica molda non est rationale, non solum difficile erit effectum desideratum facere, sed velocitas perditionis molda etiam velociter erit. EMAR metal continuous die cold extrusion generally simulates the process from blank to finished product. If ten steps are determined to be completed (excluding cutting and edge cutting), the deformation of the simulated blank forming process in each step will not exceed 10%, and the bending R angle cannot be too large, otherwise it will seriously affect the life of the punch. Under strong extrusion pressure, the smooth of the mold cavity has an impact on the lifespan of the mold and the flow of materials, and special attention should be paid to it. Exit multae techniques in design of cold extrusion processing molds that will not be elaborated here. Now, let's talk about the issue of annealing of cold extrusion processing materials. Continuous cold extrusion moritur non necesse annealing per singulos gradus, quia in principio produktus 0,3 secundas ab vacuum usque ad perfectum produktum impletus est, et produktus quasi absque frigido in productione finitur. Sed in principio materia crura propter productionem dimittere debet, alioquin communa est mollis siccati. Est nobis opus expertis qui intellegent materia hic, quia diversa materia habent diversas manieras annealing, et est valde importantium optimum statum plasticiae materiae per annealing attingere! The lubrication treatment of the third cold extrusion processing is also a crucial factor in whether the products produced by cold extrusion processing can be done well. Fosphatione et saponificatione, quae optime effectum habet, fermento minimo carbonum tractat. Pro alloys nickel is, altera formula fermenti acidi oxalici opus est. Metodos processionis materiae, quasi coper librus et aluminium oxygeni, differunt, cum oleo animalium sulfuritis optime esset, secundum oleum vegetalium. Aliquid sabonem et aquam etiam necesse utilisar potest. Multa scientia hic est, et multi experti sunt in lubricatione materiae, qui verum aut falsum sunt. Præceptorum est habere experientiam accumulata! In una sentence, the three key points of cold extrusion processing are: mold structure design, materials, heat treatment, materials, lubrication. You must be an expert to be able to do this job well! EMAR Hardware in decades frigido extrusione processione exploravit. Sperientiam et intellectum meam in frigido extrusione processione delere volo, amicis in frigido extrusione industria adiutor esse espero!