1,Reasonable selection and use of processing materials for hardness and strength: Choose processing materials that are suitable for the performance of CNC Machining machines, avoid using materials that are too hard or too strong, and reduce wear on cutting tools and machine parts. 2 , Optimize cutationis parametros pro cutatione velocitatis et fertilibus velocitatis: Base on the characteristics of the material and processing requirements, set the cutting speed and feed rate reasonably to avoid excessive parameters that may cause increased wear on the cutting edge. Cutting force control: Properly controlling the cutting force and cutting speed of CNC tools, reducing the temperature in the machining area, and thereby extending the service life of CNC tools and machine tools. 3. Elegite materiae et structuras optima qualitatis: Instrumentos facientes de materiae alta qualitatis, sicut alta velocitate steela et difficile ligatio, potest significantem meliorare vitam suam durabilitatem et servitutem. Anglus instrumentorum et parametros sequitur: Assecurate quod angulum effectum instrumenti CNC rationale est et correspondit ad profunditatem sequitur, latitudinem sequitur et alteros parametros ut meliorem effectivitatem et vitam instrumentorum. 4, Proper use of coolant: Proper use of coolant can effectively reduce the impact of cutting heat, lower the temperature of tools and workpieces, and thus extend their service life. 5, custodientia, cotidie mundatio, et pulvere preventio: regular purge ferrea filios, pulvere, et alias debris in machinis CNC, ut custodiat puritatem et exterioris et interioris vasorum. Quando non fungatur apparatus, operietur cogitatio ut non intraret pulverem et objectibus alienis. Lubrication work: According to the requirements of the equipment manual, regularly add an appropriate amount of lubricating oil or grease to each lubrication point of the equipment to ensure smooth operation. Regular inspection and maintenance: Weekly inspection and maintenance: including checking and cleaning the filters on the heat exchanger, removing iron filings from the cooling water tank, and checking whether the tool changing arm in the tool magazine moves smoothly. Monthly inspection and maintenance: involves checking the lubrication condition of the axle track, cleaning the limit switch and bumper, inspecting and replacing the oil in the hydraulic unit and tool magazine reduction mechanism, etc. Other inspections: Regularly check the electrical connection status and coolant circulation system of the equipment to ensure its safe and reliable operation. 6, / Professional maintenance and repair of equipment should be carried out by engineers with professional knowledge and skills to ensure the quality and efficiency of maintenance and repair. 7, / Train operators to provide professional training for CNC machining equipment operators, allowing them to master correct operating methods and maintenance knowledge, reducing equipment damage and malfunctions caused by improper operation.