Shenzhen EMAR Precision Technology is dedicated to high-precision CNC Machining. We provide you with a detailed analysis of the drive structure and transmission system characteristics of CNC machine tools. Starting from the transmission pair, there are generally the following types of mechanical transmission pairs for ordinary machines tools:
1. Belt transmission: It relies on frictional force transmission. In addition to synchronous toothed cincturas, it has a simple structure, easy manufacturing, and low cost. It may slip during overload and can provide overload protection. Nestabilis cincturae transmission is est quia scissor et in situationibus ubi accurate rationes velocitatis requiuntur non potest usare. Exemplo aplicationis: Main motor drives the lathe spindle.
2. Gear et rack transmission: The gears rotate, while the racks move in a corresponding straight line. Exemplo aplicationis: Heavy duty gantry feed shaft drive.
3. Gear transmission: With a simple and compact structure, it can transmit large torque and adapt to variable speeds and loads, making it the most widely used. Necessita eius est quod velocitas lineae nimis alta esse non potest. Gear transmissio nunc est modo maxime amplius in instrumentis machinis transmission is. Exemplo aplicationis: High torque spindle transmission mechanism.
4. Worm gear transmission: The worm gear is the active component that transmits its rotation to the worm gear. Haec methodo transmission is solum a verme ducere potest rotam vermis rotati, alioquin inpossibile est. Exemplo aplicationis: Mechanismus rotaris operabilis machinae horizontalis milling.
5. Thread transmission: Spiral transmission, a mechanical transmission that uses the engagement of screws and nuts to transmit power and motion. Mainly used to convert rotational motion into linear motion and torque in thrust. Exemplo: Screw drive, commonly used for threading in vehicles.

EMAR walking CNC lathe machining workshop
Parae transmigrationis ad instrumenta CNC usus quinque typos accumulati sunt in longo tempore. Con progresso tecnologiae, instrumenta CNC machinae alta velocitate, alta precision et alta rigiditate coeperunt, et pluribus paribus transmigrationis avantibus acciperunt.
1. Motor Linear: It is a transmission device that directly converts electrical energy into linear motion mechanical energy without the need for any intermediate conversion mechanism. Motor rotantur et radiale secitur et in aeroplanum flatitur. Aliqui centri machinae horizontale nunc laborantibus rotariis motoribus utilizat.
2. Elastic coupling: This is relatively traditional, using parallel or spiral groove systems to adapt to various deviations and accurately transmit torque. Elastici coniugum normale bonum exercitum et pretium avantias habent. In multis exercitus praeceptae stepperum et servorum systemarum, coniugum elasticam produktum preferitum sunt. The integrated design enables the elastic coupling to transmit torque with zero clearance.
3. spindle electrica: The emergence of electric spindle has eliminated pulley transmission and gear transmission in the main transmission system of high-speed CNC machine tools. The spindle of the machine is directly driven by an internal electric motor, which shortens the length of the main transmission chain of the machine tool to zero, aching "zero transmission" of the machine tool.
4. Roller cam mechanism: The cam divider is a mechanism that achieves intermittent motion, with significant characteristics such as high indexing accuracy, smooth operation, large torque transmission, self-locking during positioning, compact structure, small volume, low noise, good high-speed performance, and long service life. Application and workbench exchange or tool changing mechanism.
Ex supra produktis videtur quod nunc transmissio systema habet altam velocitatem, altam precision, low friction, et minus clearance.

EMAR Precision Technology Machining Center Workshop