Laser cutting is a machining technique that utilizes high-energy laser beams and optical lenses to process works pieces. Principus est alta energia laser trabem per laser generati, tunc in parvum locum per systemam opticam, concitate illum in laborem ad momentum calefactum et conflationem, ut possideret concussionem.
Principus laser cutationis non est difficile, prima includit sequentes gradus:
Primo principum laborationis laseris. Laser generat laser per actionem electricae exteriae aut opticae energiae. Laser has the characteristics of high energy, high consistency, and high straightness, making it an ideal processing tool.
Proximo est principum opus laser is focus systemae. Laser in paululum punctum per lentem concentratus est, densitatem energiae in minimo regione, tunc machina alta precision opus attingens.
Then there is the interaction between the laser and the workpiece. When the laser beam is focused on the surface of the workpiece, it generates high temperature, high-energy local heat, which instantly melts or vaporizes the surface of the workpiece, forming cutting grooves.

Finally, there is control of processing speed and movement. During the cutting process at Shenzhen Machinery Processing Factory, the laser beam needs to move along a designed path and control the processing speed and power of the laser beam to ensure precise machining of the workpiece.
In general, the principle of laser cutting is to use the high energy and optical focusing system of the laser to concentrate it on the workpiece, achieving precise machining of the workpiece. Laser cutting technology has the advantages of high processing accuracy, fast speed, and small deformation, and has been widely used in various fields, becoming an indispensable processing technology in modern manufacturing.