Measures for Improving Sheet Metal Processing Technology
The problems encountered in actual sheet metal processing technology can be analyzed from the following points and improvement measures can be taken.
1. Material selection for sheet metal processing
Tabulae metalla processura generale utilizata est ad casing equipmentorum, sic electio metalla lapidium gravissima est.
Oportum est adequate et conveniente elegere in processione, sed etiam reduxere pretium processionis cum fortitudine assecurare.
When processing materials in the same structure, it is necessary to ensure the utilization rate of the materials. The maximum number of materials with the same specification and thickness of the board should not exceed three.
Hoc altum utilizacionem materiae requirit in processione et non potest perditi. For sheet metal structures with high strength and requirements, the method of thin plate reinforcement can be used to achieve the goal.
Materiae metallici fabricationis in mercato aliquando non conformentur ad necessitates apparentiae.
Exemplo, granditudo parterum, quarum a fabricatione metallis fabricata est, non est aequa ad granditudinem exterioris contour is materiae raw, quod influent installationem suam in materia.
Aliquid materiae non necessaria sunt materiae exteriores in superficie decorationis, sed necessaria sunt considere in terms of the decorative surface and texture of the board.
Si foris non expositum est, non necesse est materia stricto necessari. But when the material needs to be exposed to the outside, strict requirements must be placed on the texture of the material, and the external material cannot be scratched during processing.
So it is necessary to ensure that unnecessary damage is reduced and material utilization is improved during sheet metal processing.

2. Design and processing of pore structure
(1) Some sheet metal processing requires drilling, which requires designing the holes.
(2) In addition to meeting the requirements of the product, it should also be easy to process without affecting the later stages of sheet metal processing and its beautiful appearance.
(3) Procedentes rotas quadraticos ad radicem, non extendere metallum lapidem post processionem, quod deformationem holarum potest causare.
(4) Si manum punctionem in processione metallorum lapides effectum est, difficultatem procedentis metallorum lapides crescet.
(5) When sheet metal parts require threaded holes, various methods can be used to achieve this.
(6) Design of curved structures. The specific bending requirements for its inner diameter to the small edge are very detailed.
(7) Design process for welding structures. Welding is also very important in sheet metal processing technology. In addition to ensuring the aesthetic appearance of the product, it is also necessary to handle the surface joints of the product properly.
(8) Aliquid materiae cum superficie simulationibus non potest evadere et processi in forma pulveris angulorum.
(9) The general welding methods can be divided into a series of welding methods such as argon arc welding, carbon dioxide shielded welding, manual welding, and gas welding for sheet metal processing.
(10) In fabricatione metallorum folia, necesse est eligere sapientem methodom beneficii et elegere excellentes implentes materiales ut efficientes efficientes resultatos beneficii possint.
(11) Reasonable design of components in sheet metal structures should leave sufficient space for welding,
(12) Ut evaderet phenomenum non sufficientiae spatiae, quod productum benedictum non conformetur regulas et dissipationem materiae.
(13) In sheet metal processing technology, some sheet metal components are relatively thin, so attention should be paid to the welding time and the treatment of welding joints,
(14) Non potest effectum produkti processi et prohibere deformationem metallis folii eius.
(15) During the welding process, effective treatment should be carried out on the welded joints to make them as symmetrical as possible, to avoid affecting the appearance of the product.
(16) In addition, the distance between welding points and seams should not be too large and their load-bearing capacity should be guaranteed.
(17) Post consummationem fermenti, produktus processus levelet et pulcherrimus est ut statum pulcherrimum post processionem metallorum lapides custodiat.
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