Metodo purificationis magnorum centrorum CNC machinaturae est processus meticulus et important is, quod directo effectus est precis operationis et vitam servitutis instrumenti machinae. The following are a series of cleaning steps and propositions to ensure that the machine tool is in good condition: 1. Preparation stage: 1: Prepare tools and equipment: clean cotton cloth or special wiping cloth, vacuum cleaner or other components (used to remove and install protective covers and other components.) 1: 1. Preparation stage: 1. Preparation stage: 1. Preparation stage: Prepare tools and equipment: clean cotton cloth or special wiping cloth, vacuum cleaner or other components (used to clean up and install protective covers and other components. 1. 939313131501501501501501501: Before performing any cleaning work on large CNC Machining centres, be sure to turn off the main power machining centers, be sure to turn off the main power switch of the machine to ensure that it is in a power off state to prevent electric shock accidents. 2., Daily cleaning Transactions 9312;Cleaning the exterior of the machine tool: Use a clean cotton cloth or wiping cloth to wipe the machine's housing, control panel, display screen and other components to remove dust and oil stains. Cavete ne agentes purificantes quae saturant substantias corrosivas ut non detraherent superficiem instrumenti machinae Cleaning the interior of the machine tool: Open the protective cover and electrical cabinet door of the machine tool, and use a vacuum cleaner or air gun to clean the dust and chips inside the machine tool. Pay special attention to cleaning the machine tool track, guide rail protective cover, spindle taper hole, tool magazine arm, and tool compartment, which are prone to accumulate dust and chips, affecting the accuracy and service life of the machine tool Clear the guide rail and screw: Use a brush and cleaning agent to remove chips and dust from the surface of the guide rail and screw. Post purificationem, adequatum voluntatem olei lubricationis aut magnitudinis ad reducendum frictionis et vestimentis Purga praepositorem et alteros sensores: Utilite pallium mundum ut humile exterminet faciem praepositoris et alterorum sensoris, ut videant, quod pulvis et chips non conturbantur. 3,Regular deep cleaning: Clean the oil tank and filter screen: Large CNC machining centers regularly clean the oil tank and filter screen of the machine to remove oil stains and impurities, ensuring the cleanness of the oil. Yaşlı lubrikatçı petrol ve soğuk etkisini sürdürmek için kullanıcı aracının lubrikasiyonu ve soğuk etkisini değiştir. Check and replace vulnerable parts: Check the vulnerable parts of the machine tool, such as cutting tools, pull bolts, bearings, etc. If there is wear or damage, they should be replaced in a timely manner. Clean and check whether the movements of the tool magazine and tool changing arm are smooth, and adjust them if necessary Systemam electricam purgae: Inspecte et munda systemam electricam instrumenti machinae, inclusive componentes, sicut opus energiae, panes controllis, sensores etc. Examine si vacuum esset virga aut defectum, reparate et tenue illud in tempore tempore. 4,Other precautions: 939312;Keep the environment around the machine tool clean: The area around the machine tool should be kept clean and tidy to avoid dust and debris entering the interior of the machine tool. Regular inspect and clean the ventilation openings and heat dissipation devices around the machine tool to ensure the heat dissipation effect of the machine tool Regular maintenance and upkeep: Perform regular maintenance and upkeep according to the machine's tool manual and maintenance manual. Including checking the accuracy of the machine tool, the tightness of fasteners, and the lubrication of the transmission system Professional training: Large CNC machining centers provide professional training for operators to understand the structure, working principles, and cleaning and maintenance methods of the machine tool. Improvere intellegentiam qualitatis et servationem operatorum ut rectam utilizationem et servationem instrumentorum machinarum possint.