Metal processing refers to the process of transforming metal raw materials into various metal products through a series of technological processes. Technicas procedentes metallicos communes includent:
Sagit: Metrales metallos in voluntatem magnitudinem et formam. Instrumentos communes includent bandas, manibus, etc.
Drilling: Drilling holes on metal surfaces with a drill bit to create connection holes or through holes for metal products.
Punching and cutting: Using a punch press or stamping machine to punch metal sheets in the desired shape of parts.
Bending: Using a bending machine to bend metal sheets in the desired curvature or angle.
Welding: Connecting metal components using welding methods, common welding methods include arc welding, gas shielded welding, etc.
Precision machining: Precision machining of metals through mechanical equipment such as lathes and milling machines, including turning, milling, and other processes.

Tertias superficie: Spraying, chroma plating, sandblasting et ceteris tractiones ad superficiem produktorum metallorum applicantur ut cresceret luminositatem et corrosionem resistentiam.
Assembly: Assemble various metal components according to design requirements to form finished metal products.
Inspectio: Inspectionem qualitatis de produktis metallicis finitibus facere ut conformentur ad propositiones et standardes design.
Altissimus sunt commune fluctus proessorum proessorum metallicorum processionis, et omnis lignus operationem precisam et condicionem qualitatis strictorum necessitat ut produktorum qualitatem et functionem assecurant.
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