Problema common and solutions in Sheet Metal Processing bending process:
1,bottom of the concave part is uneven.
Possible reasons: The board is essentially uneven; Non est apparatus maximus materiae installatus inter molam concave; Inter tabulam et superiorem tabulam nihil parvus est aut superiorem materiae fortem non sufficit. Solution: Leveling and regulating the board; Installa superiorem apparatum materiae et adjusta magnitudinem superioris materiae; Adde processum integrum.
2,The width direction of the bent part changes, presenting an arc or bow angle.
Possible reasons include: during the stretching process, the width direction of the plate is stretched and contracted differently, resulting in changes in curvature and rotation angle. Solutione: Increase pressure of the bending equipment on the plate; Add corrective techniques; Attention ante ut certem quod parabola tabulae responsantur ad direction bending.

3,Cracks occurre in curvato area.
Possible reasons: The corn direction and bending direction of the board do not intersect; Radius interioris fibris nimis parvus est et later foris faciebat Plastica tabulae elegitae nimis pauper est. Solution: Adjust the cutting arrangement method; Adjust the bending radius of the mold a larger size; change the position of burns in the rounded corners inside the board Uter materiales cum forte plasticitate aut procedentibus annealing utilizat.
4,Bending causes deformation of the hole.
Solutione: Increase pressure on the top material plate; tipus utilis bending; Adde parabolas lineae in superficie tabulae ut cresceret friccionem et prohibetur displacementum dum procedura bending.
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