Quid est causa, quare ekonomia Sinae superiora 6,5% annorum crescit, despite nunc recessionem globalem ekonomicam? Auctor causas analisabit cum pluribus experiencibus personibus, quae potest esse ducem universae situationis.
In June 2017, a client of the author had a large order to place with our factory, with quantities of several hundred kK or more. The unit price was very low, almost cutting by more than 25% from the previous unit price. Our company calculated that there was not much profit, so we decided to give up the order and negotiations got stuck in Xinjiang. The customer shared their factory case with us, hoping for a successful cooperation and mutual growth! Dixit clientes quia cooperatio eorum cum Huawei est simile nobis nunc. Si Huawei habet ordinem magnam, primum quod negotiati sunt, est precium a 30% secundum pretium orijinalis secere. Sed, adhuc ordinem reddent et probant optimum ut meliora faciant fluxum labor is et productionem efficientiam. Aliquando et machinas automaticas disveloppant ut alteram laborem manum substituant. Haec sorta cogitationis crescit et disvelociter firmae suae. Let's compare last year with this year. In 2016, the factory completed a production value of 150 million yuan with 100 employees. In June of this year, the production value was already 160 million yuan, and the number of workers decreased by 15! Quid mirabile crescere! Quam gravis novatio technologica est! Posso rogavit nos step retro et procedere in ordine based on our own situation! As the customer mentioned, these orders were not profitable at the beginning, but now our precision cold extrusion technology is gradually breaking through the pressure of customer delivery time and quality. Previously, we could produce tens of thousands of pieces per day in a single mode, but now we can produce 250000 pieces per day in a fixed manner! The maintenance frequency of precision cold extrusion molds has increased from three days to 25 days, which has increased production efficiency by more than five times. Through the research and development of precision cold extrusion technology, these orders have become the main source of profit for the factory from not making money to now! It can be seen how important research and development innovation is, and how fast the growth rate of wealth created by research and development is!
Alius est exercitus robotum, qui crescit divitiam. Auctor laborabat in fabricas plasticas coloris et fabricas plasticas. Praeterito, agentes singulis coloris per singulos similes embroideris implerent. Si una colore incorrecta impleta est, totum produktum dissipatum est, et unusquisque hominem tantum 1000 yuan in emissio per diem producere poterat. But now one robot can produce 10000 yuan in output value per day, and there is almost no scrap! Omnes artificia plastica ab Asia australis orientalis Dongguan facere attractae sunt! Innovationis metodolorum productionis velociter crescere divitiae induxit!
Jin Canrong, professor Fudan University, said: China's demographic dividend has passed, and there is still a wave of dividends in China, that is, the dividend of Chinese engineers. The annual training of 45 million engineers in Chinese universities will soon see results, because Chinese engineers are particularly innovative and have a strong desire to become rich!
Principi Enterprise semper spiritum novam habere in mentis eorum. Consulti nostri nobis lectionem docuerunt, et nunc quoniam praecipimus, verum est!
EMAR hardware precision cold extrusion technology has achieved today's quality and output due to continuous innovation, and we have never stopped innovating!