Quid est basic structure of an environmentally friendly cabinet? Omnes illud modicum simul analisamus. Usually we can see the colors of safety and environmental standard cabinets as white, black and gray. Cabinets are classified by material, including aluminum profile cabinets, cold rolled steel cabinets, hot rolled steel cabinets, etc. Novi tabineti proficisci sunt, sedecim tabineti, etc.

The stability of the cabinet is determined by the research on materials, coating materials, and processing production processes of steel plates. Generally, its length specifications are 600800 millimeters, width specifications are 600, 800, and 100 millimeters, and height specifications are 42U, 36U, and 24U. Early cabinet equipment was mostly made of castings or angle steel connected or welded in a cabinet system analysis framework through screws and rivers, and then covered with thin steel plates (doors). Cabineti caligini sunt, caligini et rudimentari, et extinguerunt. With the increasing use of transistors and integrated system circuits, as well as the ultra miniaturization of various information components, cabinet structures are also constantly developing towards miniaturization. The cabinet has evolved from a overall panel structure in the past to a series of boxes and plug-in structures of a certain size. Assemblium, ordinem, et combinationem filiorum et pluginarum in duas categorias divisi potest: horizontale et verticale ordinem. Materiales Cabineti generale conjunctione cum tenes plateis steelis, diversas formas intersectionis steelis, aluminium profilis, et diversas informationes in ženierii plasticos. Frame of the cabinet is connected not only by welding and screws, but also by adhesive technology.
According to the load-bearing capacity, material and manufacturing process of environmentally friendly cabinet components, they can be divided into two basic structures: profiles and plates.
1. Duos typos proficissimorum videntium cabinetorum sunt: cabinets steel profiles et cabinets aluminium profilis. Cabinet steel ex tubis sterilissimis irregular is constituituitur, quae in column a utili potest. Hoc cabinet bonum robustum et fortitudinem pro vasis gravis providit. Cabinetes Aluminium ex profilis aluminium ligatis habent certas rigiditatem et fortitudinem, et utili sunt instrumentis generalis aut levatis. Hoc typus cabineti facile est, minus processura requirit, et habet pulchram apparentiam, quam in societate amplius exploratum est et aplicatum est.
2. Taberna fabrica tecta: Taberna integral a, cum taberna lateralis formata per singulam tabulam steelam. Haec cabinet habet bonam rigiditatem et fortitudinem, suitam gravis aut generalis equipis. Sed propter factum quod latera paneli non poterunt dissipare, ecclesia et custodientia sunt inconvenientes. Struktura tabulae et columnarum cabinetarum similis est quam cabinetarum acili, dum columnae formae sunt per tabulas ferentes steel is. Hic typus cabineti est certa gradus rigiditates et fortitudinis in Sinis. Environmentally friendly cabinets are also equipped with cabinet accessories as needed. The main accessories include fixed or telescopic motion rails, locking signal devices, hinges, wiring slots, wiring racks, shielding comb springs, etc.
Quid sunt praecepta technical for environmentally friendly cabinets? Omnes illud modicum simul analisamus.
1. It has good technical performance. Cabinets should have performance such as vibration resistance, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, dust prevention, water resistance, and radiation resistance, so that we can ensure the social stability, safety, and reliable management of accounting work for production equipment information in Chinese enterprises.
2. The server cabinet should have good availability and security protection facilities, which are easy to operate, install and maintain, ensuring the safety of operators.
3. Instrumenta netta facile esse corporibus ad producendum, assemblandum, debugum et pactum transportationis.
4. The server cabinet should meet the requirements of standardization, normalization and serialization.
5. Cabinet habet pulchram, suitam et colorem coherentem aspectum.