In aperire fabricum processamenti pulveris, necesse est scientiam multorum scientiarum in processione. Primo, quomodo pulveris fabricati sunt? Quomodo molam fractum reficiendum est? Haec omnes opus sunt qui fabricatores adprehendere petunt.
The manufacturing of stamping molds first involves cutting the material before proceeding to the next step of processing. Cutting is rough machining, where a template needs to be roughly flattened by a planer, then roughly ground and processed by a grinder to leave a certain margin. If heat treatment is required, the precision is required to be high when processed by a large grinder. For example, if the thickness of the template is 25mm, the precision requirement must be within plus or minus 0.01mm. Usually, there is not much connection with just one or two lines. After the grinding machine is processed, the threading holes, wire cutting, milling machines, CNC machines, etc. are placed;
Manufacturing a set of stamping molds requires a lot of processing equipment, generally including planers, lathes, drilling machines, grinders, etc., all of which require skilled mold fitters to master. During the use of stamping molds, improper operation and other reasons can cause damage to the molds. Therefore, manufacturers also need to master the skills and knowledge of mold repair and be familiar with the operating principles of various molds. Quid sunt prima quae reparentur quando molas reparentur? Procedentibus industribus amplius aspiciunt:
RepRepaire quocumque interrupterit, sicut non removere substantia, aut si non est fortis ad percutionem, aut si plana partibus interruptis non est rationabis. In hoc momento, possit ut substituere aut addere tensiones, optimum est aedificationem, crescire superficum, et cetusque. Taque poterit utili machinas aut machinas quos machinas et milim machinas ad contunculum contunculum capitum, aut potest utili aquam, etc.grinding, milling, etc.
igitur scientiae quas praecepta est ad stampionem morientur et praeparator est
1. Familiar with the operating principles of various molds;
2. Proficient in operating grinding machines, milling machines, drilling machines, and argon arc welding, and able to investigate whether the processed stamped parts meet the precision requirements of the mold;
3. Intellectus quid discargentur, cauda, CNC, etc.
Postquam cognovissent et masterissent principes operantium molorum, quasi omnes problemas presentes bene faciemur.
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