Flange, etiam flange, est terminus general is, qui normale refert ad plures holas fixae circum corpus metallis similis discum alios connectare. In machinis ample utilitur. Quia omnes alienos videtur, flange vocatur, et nomen eius ex lingua Anglica 'flange' venit.
Flange, also known as flange or flange. Partes qui connectant pipes ad invicem connectae sunt ad terminos piperum. In flange cavae sunt et duas flammas coniuncta sunt calves Seallate flanges gasolinibus. Flanges sunt typus componentis disformatus in disc, saepe in ingenieria pipeline utilis, et usus coniuncti sunt pariter. In engineering pipeline, flanges are mainly used for connecting pipelines. At the end where two pipelines need to be connected, install a flange on each end. For low-pressure pipelines, threaded flanges can be used, and for pressures above 4 kilograms, welded flanges can be used. Adde signaculum inter duos flandos et confortare illos calicibus.
Flanges with different pressures have different thicknesses and use different bolts.
Cum pumpas aquarum et valvas connectant ad pipelinias, similes flange similis ad partes hii armamenti, etiam connexiones flange cognoscuntur.
Quaecumque componentem connexionis utilizat boltas ut duos planes connectare et simul connectare illos generale dicitur "ldquo; Fran”, Concessionis ventilationis ductibus, hoc typum componentis referetur ad “ Flange parts;.
Threaded flange is type of flange. The threaded flange connection structure is a composite component consisting of a pair of flanges, several bolts, nuts and a gasket.
Flange, also known as flange or flange.
Partes qui connectant pipes ad invicem connectae sunt ad terminos piperum. In flange cavae sunt et duas flammas coniuncta sunt calves Seallate flanges gasolinibus. Flanged pipe fittings referunt to fittings with flanges (flanges or flanges). It can be made by casting (not shown in the picture), or by threaded connection or welding. Lingua flange ex duobus flange, flange, et pluribus flantibus et nucis constituit. The gasket is placed between the two flange sealing surfaces. After tighting the nut, the pressure on the gasket surface reaches a certain value and deforms, filling the uneven areas on the sealing surface to ensure a tight and leak free connection. Connexio flange connexio detachabile est. Secundo componentes connectibus divisurus est in flanges et flanges tubae. secundum speciosa structurae sunt flammae integrae flammae dissolventes et flammae dissolventes Flanges integralis includent flanges flatas et flanges de pulvere. Flanges pulcherrimae pauperes rigiditatem habent et ad pressionem exercitus utili sunt; In case of 4MPa; Flanges ferentes, quoque cognoscentur quasi flanges cervicis, habent altam rigiditatem et suitae sunt ad aplicationes cum alto pressione et temperatura. Tres species flange sealing surfaces sunt: flat sealing surfaces, suitable for situations with low pressure and non-toxic media; Concave convex signacula superficie, suitable for situations with slightly higher pressure; Mortise and tenon sealing surface, suitable for flammable, explosive, toxic media and high-pressure environments. The gasket is a circular ring made of a material that can undergo plastic deformation and has a certain strength. Vexillum multitudinem ex plateis non metallis aut ex fabricationibus specialibus secundum magnitudinem et materia eorum lapides asbestos, lapides asbestos, lapides polyethylenis, etc. Gasticos metallos, quales non metallicos, quasi asbestos cum plateis metallicis thinis (sicut folia ferrea alba et steela stainless), etiam utili sunt; Est quoque et ligna pulsata per ventum ferentem pelliculam tenuorum et ligna asbestos a simul Gas rubricae usus ad situationes ubi temperatura inferiora est 120 °C; Gasket rubricae Asbestos adequat ad situationes ubi temperatura vapor is aquae inferior est 450 °C, temperatura olei inferior est 350 °C, et pressure inferior est 5MPa. Pro medios corrosivos generis, tabula asbestorum acidis resistant est maxima utilita. In armamentis altis voltationis et pipeliniis, lentes formatae aut alios gastos metallicos formatae ex coprio, alumino, No. 10 steel, stainless steel utiliuntur. Latitudo contactorum inter gastum altum pressure et superficiem signaculae angustissima est (contributus linearum), et splendor machinae superficie signaculae et gasturae alta est.
Flanges dividuntur in connexionem trituram (connexionem trituram) flanges, flanges eruptas et flanges pulveres. Low pressure small diameter flanges have threaded flanges and sleeve flanges, while high pressure and low pressure large diameter flanges use welded flanges. The thickness of flange plates and the diameter and quantity of connecting bolts vary for different pressures.
According to different levels of pressure, flange gaskets are made of different materials, ranging from low-pressure asbestos gaskets, high-pressure asbestos gaskets to metal gaskets. 1. Divide aciem carbonium, aciem proicientem, aciem ligaturam, aciem, coprem, aluminum alloy, plasticum, argon chromium plating, PPR, etc. 2. Divided by production methods, it can be divided into forged flanges, cast flanges, spliced flanges, cut flanges, and rolled flanges (super large models). 3. Divided by manufacturing standards, it can be divided into national standards (Ministry of Chemical Industry standards, petroleum standards, power standards, Ministry of Machinery standards, marine standards), American standards, German standards, Japanese standards, Russian standards, etc.