Non standard cabinets generalis in locis cum necessitatibus specialibus utilibus sunt, et granditudo eorum dessimila est ab illo de chassis standardissimo. In customizatione eorum, komponent relative gravis est travis fixa, quod prima utilitur pro install are diversis equipment is. Multas habent granditudines disponibiles, et usus est ad plagam 19. Satellita standard, non 19“ And multiples refer to non-standard fixed trays, which are also what we call non-standard cabinets.

The advantages of a customized non-standard cabinet are that its material is welded together, the frame degree is relatively high, the body size is relatively large, it can store a large number of equipment, has good ventilation, which can help the equipment inside the power cabinet dissipate heat, improve the heat dissipation performance of the power cabinet, and can be used for power distribution. It is a customized cabinet that is not produced according to national standards, which can better meet the needs of different users. It is widely used in industries such as instrumentation, electronics, communication, automation, sensors, industrial control, and machines, and machines.ery.
Quomodo non standard cabineti mundare debent? Infra omnibus introductum est.
1. Set a reasonable dust removal cycle. According to the specific situation of the computer room, a reasonable dust removal cycle should be set to clean the inside, outside, and inside of the equipment. Taking a medium sized computer room as an example, its internal hygiene should be cleaned every three days, every half month, and its external hygiene should be cleaned once every day. The equipment vacuum should be checked once in week, and necessary equipment should be cleaned once every month. The equipment and computer room should be repaid every two years according to actual usage, and the equipment should be inspected every five years.
2. Cavete periculos electricae statica. When disassembling and cleaning equipment, the first thing to do is to avoid people damaging live equipment. Before cleaning, anti-static clothing and wristbands should be worn to avoid live disassembly. In event of a complete power outage, the server should be well grounded, even supporting heat exchange equipment, to prevent static electricity from damaging the equipment. For devices such as displays, discharge treatment should be carried out first.
3. Considere structuram instrumentorum. Non est problem a magna in uninstallatione et replacione dispositivorum. Notum est quod multos signos chassis servitorum habent designos speciosos qui necessitat instrumentos speciosos aut mechanismos aperire. Quando removere caput chassis, legite disciplinas diligenter et ne forte dissipate illud.
4. Elegite instrumenta mundationis. The cleaning work of the equipment does not require very complex tools. For general dust removal system maintenance, we only need to prepare a cross screwdriver, flat screwdriver, paint brush or oil painting pen to start. Hair dryer, anhydrous alcohol, silicone oil, degreasing cotton ball, clock screwdriver, tweezers, leather tiger are also required tools. If simple and effective maintenance is needed, equipment such as pointed nose pliers, test pens, multimeters, etc. are also needed. Attention: Noli usum brushem aut alteram brushem, qui pronus est ad removendum capillorum, ut facile machinam detrahere potest. Attention speciale ad removendum pulverem de energia.