Mechanical processing is a common processing method in the manufacturing industry, commonly used to manufacture various mechanical parts. Procedores et technologies processionis mechanicae multos typos includent, et below introduces some common processes and technologies.
1. Cutting processing
Cutting is the most commonly used machining method in mechanical processing. It removes a portion of the material from the workpiece by cutting it to obtain the desired shape and size. Procedores Common cutting include turning, milling, drilling, etc.
2. Grinding processing
Grinding processing is the process of using grinding tools to grind the surface of a workpiece in order to improve its accuracy and surface quality. Common grinding processes include flat grinding, cylindrical grinding, internal cylindrical grinding, etc.
3. Welding
Welding is a processing method that connects two or more works together through a melting heat source. Common welding methods include arc welding, gas welding, laser welding, etc. Welding can make the connection of workpieces more secure and is widely used in the field of metal manufacturing.
4. Casting
Casting is the process of injecting molten metal or alloy in a mola to solidify and form the desired shape. Casting is an important process for manufacturing large, complex, and thin-walled parts. Common casting methods include die-casting, sand casting, and metal mold casting.
5. Stamping
Stamping is a process of processing metallic sheets using a punch press. Stamping can cause deformation or separation of metallic sheets under the action of molds, thereby obtaining the desired shape. Stamping widely used in fields such as automobile manufacturing and home appliance manufacturing.
6. Laser cutting
Laser cutting is the use of high-energy laser beams to melt and vaporize materials on a workpiece, thereby cutting it in the desired shape. Laser cutting has the advantages of fast cutting speed and high precision, and is widely used in cutting field of metal sheets.
7. Laser processing

Laser processing is a method of machining work pieces using high-energy density laser beams. Laser processing can achieve fine machining of work pieces, such as engraving, drilling, deburring, etc.
8. Electrica discharge machining
Machinae electric a discargationis machina est ut principem discargationis electricae utilizat ut foveam corrosion is in superficie artificis opera faciat, ut possit secere artificis. Machinae electricae discharge amplius utilizata est in machina materiae difficili et partes formae complexae.
9. Aegyptia aquae secitur
Aegyptia aquae secta est modus machinationis, qui fluxus aquae ultra altissimus pressionem utilizat, et abrasive ad sectionem opus. Cutting aquae jet non habet avantias nec inflationis thermal is nec velocitatis processionis, et amplius utilitur ad succidendum materiales compositos, lapides et ceteros materiales.
Varia sorta procedentium et technologium in processione mecanica sunt, et diversa procedentia et technologia sunt adequa pro diversis necessitatibus processionis. The above introduces some common processes and technologies in mechanical processing, which play an important role in manufacturing and provide effective processing methods for various mechanical parts.