Materiales elegere ad faciendum metalla folii:
Sheet Metal Processing parts are common structural components that can be widely used in many fields. Metodos prima processionis partibus metallis ferebantur et laser cutae, qui habent avantias pessimis, bonae rigiditate, et alta precision. Densita partibus metallorum generis minima est quam 6mm, et diversas formas partium per diversas technicas processionis frigidis potest facere. Post caliginem metallis frigidum processionem, densitatem parterum metallorum caliginis in densitatem firmiorem mutare potest. However, due to the different uses of sheet metal, different sheet metal materials need to be selected.
Generalis, materiales metallici processantur, prima in sequentibus typis divisi sunt: steel stainless, coper, aluminum et ceteris materiales. Different types of sheet metal materials require different processing methods and approaches.
1.1 Plata steela Stainless.
(1) Plata calida rotata steela. Pellicula frigida rotata est typus plateae steelae quae in cubiculo temperatura sub temperatura recrystallization is contemplata est et tunc vertit ut thinior fieri. In plateis frigidis fermentis steelis. Est vultus aspiciens, densitate uniforme, non constituit substantiam costam, et facile formare est. Potet pictura aut electroplatea expandere scalam applicationis platearum steeli.
(2) Platinum calidum calidum calidum: Haec modo processionis platearum calidum prima est tractare platinum calidum aut vacuum castationem, calumniantem illum, et tunc deposforantem illum ut formaret platinum calidum calidum. Generalis, densitate platearum caloris caloris deviationum minorem habent, et problema colligi potest occurrere in processione vera. Scientiae processionis lapides calidissimis calidissimis ferebantur primum ad producendum componentes instrumentorum quales raedas, pontas et naves.
1.2 Galvanized sheet.
Galvanized sheet is primarily galvanized on the surface of the steel plate. In general, it is necessary to control the thickness of the galvanized layer on the plate to be at least 10m to prevent corrosion and other damage to the surface of the plate steel. This is mainly due to the high requirements for anti-corrosion when used in parts.
Concerno plate is coperii, fabricationes metallicis fabricationis utilis electricalis in processo acto require, such as chrome plating and nickel plating on the surface of the copper plate. In addition, spraying treatment can also be carried out, but the cost of such materials is relatively high. Normally, plates aluminium cum chromatibus super superficiem tractabuntur, sed etiam per manibus chemicalis et conductionibus oxidibus possunt. Utilibus sunt prima ut cistas facerent.
Rules and matters for sheet metal processing
Praecepta clara ad divisionem laboris et operationis in fabricatione metallorum sunt. Basis drawings and batches, different cutting methods such as laser, sheet metal processing, CNC punching, cutting, and molds are not selected. Hodie introducamus regulas ad fabricationem metallis fabricationis.

1. Select the cutting material, proceed to the next process after completion, and process different stainless steel works in corresponding processes according to requirements;
When the elbow is made of stainless steel according to the dimensions and thickness of the drawing, the key to selecting the form to avoid collision deformation (different types of upper and lower molds can be used for the same product) is to confirm the thickness of the plate;
3. When we press the river, we should consider the same height of the stud, select the same mold, and then adjust the pressure of the press to ensure that the stud and the surface of the workpiece are neat, so that preventing the stud from pressing into or over the surface of the workpiece and forming the workpiece. Welding includes argon arc welding, spot welding, carbon dioxide repairing welding, technical welding, etc. Spot welding primarily considers the welding direction of the workpiece and the position of the stainless steel plate in mass production to ensure the accuracy of spot welding
4. Convex punctus convex cum aeroplano uniforme facire potest antequam convexerit, ut calefaceret communes punctos convexerunt, et directo convexerunt. Laborem etiam effectum est, praepositum tempus, tempus persistentiae, tempus conservationis, et tempus requiescendi, ut possit opus in loco positum.
Qualitate platearum sterilissimae non solum per manu procedentium est, sed etiam ad fortem productionem qualitatem non est. Unus iuxta figuras stricto inspecturus est, alterus autem qualitatem apparentiae stricto controlare est. Haec sorta metalla processura non est valde gravissima, alioquin effectus processi difficile erit, et in hoc processione revelabitur.
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