Stamping molds are essential process equipment for stamping production and are technology intensive products. Qualitate, production power, and production cost of stamped parts are directly related to mold design and production. The unevenness of mold design and production technology is one of the important indicators to measure a country's product production level, which largely determines the quality, efficiency and development ability of new products. Hoc ergo, pulchritudo mortis apparatus est etiam gravissimus. Hodie, summarizabo precautiones pro pulchritudine frame mortis:
1. Installatione pulchritudinis apparatum mortuum, observa flatitudinem apparatus inter molam et mensam pulchritudinis in correspondentia tonnagi puncti secundum pulchritudinem pulchritudinis.
2. Opus est mundare faciem superioris et inferioris, concave et convex mollium, antequam mollium aedificetur, ut certem quod non sunt debris in mollium, ut formatur scratces super superficiem produktorum. Inter installationem, oportet certem quod mensa punctionis pulchri parallel est superficie mollium.
3. It is necessary to check the mold guide column, mold punch, working tension spring, positioning pin and other mold accessories for completeness, as well as the mold blade and cutting edge, to ensure that the cutting surface is flat during production. It is also necessary to organize the punching holes, waste holes, etc. of the mold before mounting to ensure that waste is discharged in a timely manner during production.
4. Fula in medio mensae puncti posita est. Praecipientes molam, slider primum elevabitur, et postea graduum ad fundum mortuum centrum humiliatus est using the inching method.
6. For molds with mold handles, it is necessary to align the mold handle with the mold handle hole until it reaches the bottom dead center, and then close and shrink the mold first. conflationes enim sine manibus ponete conflationem in oportunitate et custodite ne blocare caelum conflationis in caelum
7. Cuccionem bloquem utilizatum est flatum, et calumniam stressis inspicere debet. Attention payable to not blocking the material to prevent damage to the stamping die caused by blockage.
8. Fula formabile potest primum confringere molam superiorem, postea ponere materia deserta cum densitate punctionis requirente, adjuste illud ad altitudinem adequam clausum per slider, et dissolve illum duo usque tres vices ante clausum molam inferiorem.
9. Using a V-shaped mold frame, close and lock the upper and lower mold sliders and then raise the slider to the thickness of the material being punched.
10. Postquam fabulam posuerit, probate utrum fabulae superiores et inferiores clausus sunt, utrum sunt phenomena abnormale in fabulis superioris et inferioris, et ultimo certe quod omnia sit in loco et reparare locum.
11. Postquam fabula impleta est, necesse est mensuras partium pulsavorum stricto inspicere secundum propositiones drawing is antequam produktio massae exercitur.
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